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As many of you guys know I recently broke up with my bf of about 4 years. I'm not in a relationship or even close to being in one for that matter but just for future reference I have a few questions for you guys. How long after you're in a committed relationship do you expect to be invited in your SO's family functions? How about something like family birthday dinners for your bf/gf? IMO a relationship between two people say in their 20s and older generally gets more serious a lot quicker then say two 17 year olds dating and people generally move a lot quicker so that relationship should be taken a lot more seriously. I would expect that after a few months of being in an exclusive relationship with someone that I would be invited to a family birthday dinner that they are having for my SO. I would find it incredibly weird not to be especially since it's my SO's birthday they are celebrating. If it was for his sibling or something that would be different to me because maybe that sibling just wants it to be immediate family only or something. Stuff like family dinners, barbecues, holidays and what not I would expect as long as we have both agreed that we are exclusive and I have met their family to be invited to family functions and what not. Thoughts?


I ask these questions so I know what I should expect whenever I decide to get into another relationship.

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I think every family and every couple is different. Some families may be more open to having everyone invite people to their gatherings, some partners may also be more casual about bringing people along to family functions quicker than others. For some families it may be less common and not the "norm" to bring significant others to family functions. I think it's really a case by case basis. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer.


For me personally, I wouldn't "expect" it until probably at least a year of being exclusive and a serious intent/plan to marry.

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why do you constantly keep asking these type of questions, over and over and over for months now, i think by now you should have gotten the advice you needed or else need to just let it go, everyone is different, we all have different answers on it.....and to post the same thread a day later is not allowed!

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