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getting tired of a "friend"'s attitude, but she just won't see it!


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3 years ago, when I entered college, I became real good friends with two girls one year above me. Ever since, we talk almost everyday and we know a lot about each other's lives. One of them is really nice, funny, sometimes can be annoying because she talks a lot (lol) but nothing unbearable. She's an overall nice and educated person. The other one, however, is starting to become a "problem" to me and the friends in our circle. Well, first because she is extremely selfish and spoiled. For 3 years I put up with that because she's helped me through some tough times, she introduced me to my BF and she has a somewhat good sense of humor. But now, it's getting to a point where I don't even know if I want to be friends with her anymore if she keeps acting the way she does, but she just won't get it.


Here are some of the things she does that piss me off. She never admits she's wrong. She borrows money from people and never pays back. She isn't going to my B-day because she claims she doesn't have money yet she spends it all the time on clothes and I made an effort to go to her b-day even though I hated the club she wanted to go to. She is always angry at everything and isn't comprehensive of other people's opinions. She's been with her BF for a little more than 2 years, and EVERY single time we went out together, they always got in a huge fight and it always started because of her, ruining everyone's night because she gets everyone involved in it and expects us, the friends, to solve their problem. She always gets in fights with her boss (the other job she had, she quit because she couldn't stand her boss also). She says she's on a diet all the time and that she's losing weight yet she is NOT losing weight, given that she eats more than any of our friends and doesn't eat healthy and doesn't do exercises. I mean, if you wanna be fat, go ahead but just don't expect people to be complimenting you on the weight you didn't lose. When we go to clubs, we're always one of the last ones to leave, and she always wants to leave early because she's always hungry and not feeling well, therefore also getting into a fight her BF and all of us because she's the only one that wants to leave, and if we don't... well you know. She's arrogant to everyone and to get an image of how bad it's getting: my b-day is this weekends and we're going to a club, none of my friends wanted to give her a ride there because it'll be in their responsibility, and they'll have to leave early with her. Ah, also she doesn't drive and expects someone to drive her everywhere she goes and she doesn't help with the gas.


And now, one thing that was kind of the deal breaker for me and I can't even stand being around her anymore. We all go to college with a van, since we live a bit far, it's kind of worth it. However, once in a while, I go with my car if I have to stay late or if it's just something quick, since we wake up really early to get to the van, sometimes I give myself the "luxury" to sleep a couple more hours. But it's rare, like once or twice a month because it's really expensive. I live in Sao Paulo, anyone who's been here knows how crazy the traffic is and you're bound to stay stuck in it, and the earlier you wake up, the less traffic you get. Now, she's asks me every week if I'm going with my car just because she wants to sleep more and I have to basically pay her ride and drive her there.. like seriously? And to make matters worse, she told my friend that she doesn't trust me driving (yeah, she never went outside her neighborhood driving a car and I've gone to several places with my car) and she's talking about my driving? So I don't get it... she wants to go with me yet she doesn't trust me, weird huh?


As you can see, I'm just tired of putting up with all her BS all these years and getting nothing in return, yet she doesn't realize that none of us can't stand it anymore and keeps acting like everything's ok... I really don't know what to do, I don't even think I want this person in my life anymore.

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