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Ever had a relationship where everything clicked but it still didn't seem right?


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Have you ever been in a serious, committed relationship where your partner seemed to be everything you wanted and needed, all the right boxes were checkmarked, yet you still had a doubt that they were the one? And you were hesitant to act on this doubt and end things because of the fear that they were the best you'd ever do? I'm in a situation like this and would welcome stories from people who have been there.

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Everything ISN"T clicking.....this is from your other post:


This are legit red flags and you should be concerned.


The fact that most of your relationship has been long distance ---- and now you are looking at living together AND getting engaged, is also a red flag.

You should live in the same proximity, and date. Because long distance and normal dating is a big enough step.


Her hygiene, her temper, her temperment ----- combined with you liking alone time.....calls for moving slowly forward. Not jumping into stage 4 from stage 1.

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To me perfect on paper doesn't mean the same as clicking. Yes I have been in that situation and I tried multiple times to make one of those relationships work -bad idea. My guess is you're confusing what you want and need with the list of qualities she possesses.

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Don't let your fear drive you into a nightmarish marriage and a bitter divorce....because I can guarantee you that you can definitely do better than that and avoid wrecking your life like that. Clearly, your gut....you know that little thing that nature gave you to help you survive.....is screaming at you that not all is well in your world and you need to run. You'd be wise to listen and stop deluding yourself that she is all that.

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