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Ive heard a lot of people say that caffiene pills are bad for you. but ive done a bit of research and the ones I am using (very sparingly mind you) contain about 100mg of caffiene, which is just about the same as a double shot of espresso..(mmm)

I have just started using caffiene pills so that i can pull off an all nighter every now and then so i can finish this huge backlog of schoolwork i have. I was just wondering if anyone had any information that would be useful to me.



jus some details.

-I only take them very rarely

-I follow the directions on the back.

-I'm kind of immune to the effects of caffiene in regular coffee.( doesnt give me that jolt anymore.)


any feedback would be much appreciated...

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I did a lot of research on this. Heres my opinion. First 11mg is almost nothing. And a double shot of expresso is well over 75 to 100. No Doz are about 100mg I think.


From what I read that are just about 0 negatives to taking caffeine. You can get addicted and if you were to stop taking caffeine you get a headache(big deal). So yeah... I don't see any reason not to... Just don't take too much and you should be fine... Also I am pretty sure that its not 11mg...

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Hi - It's actually 100-110 mg of caffeine per cup of coffee or pill. Decaf coffee has ~2-4 mg/cup. I was a double major in college, so I had QUITE a coffee habit, and I would use the occasionally NoDoze Pill. As long as your blood pressure is fine and your heart isn't racing after taking the pill, I don't see a problem. Like you said, it's like coffee.


Wait - if you're 16, aren't you in high school? Don't burn yourself out! You should enjoy this time. That said, as long as it's once in a while, it's fine.


Just in case, you should consult your doctor and find out your family history about blood pressure and heart problems.


Happy Studying!

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Hey - I remember what it's like. I went to an academic high school and took 8 AP exams total (junior + senior year). It was really intense - it was a "nerd school" as I call it. Everyone was more focused on what grades everyone else was getting than who was dating whom! Anyways, the teachers made it seem like if you didn't get straight As, you wouldn't get into a good college and then your life would be over. I stressed out like crazy, I rarely slept, it was hell. People make it sound like you only have one chance to get it right! That is total BS! I missed a lot of my teenage years studying. If I could do it over again, I would party more


Trust me, once you get into college, it's a clean slate for everyone. It doesn't matter if you were the HS valedictorian or you just barely got in, you start fresh. If you don't get into the college that you want, you can get good grades at a community college, and then transfer to where you want to be as a junior. People do it all the time - it's way easier to get into a good school that way than straight from college. What I'm trying to say is that you have lots of chances, so one psych test isn't going to mess up your life.


Now that I'm in grad school, no one cares where you went to college or what your GPA was, it's all about the work that you're doing NOW!

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