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about to do something i never thought i would do

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So my father has always been a druggy so I always swore I would never do drugs. And I have basically lived in UT all my life other then a horrible year of going back and forth form Vegas and Arizona and here where I am now. Here there are a lot of stoners and pot heads, right, but most of the population are pretty much clean other then Pot.

I never thought I would have the disire to do it, but my friend and I have been planning on getting High for a week now. Im sleeping over tonight cause we have no school tomorrow. but we both want to try Pot and she got some from her old BF.

I feel dumb for feeling so bad about this cause lots of people I know do it, but even though I feel like it's not right I still want to do it just to see what it's like and what the big deal is.

What do all ya'll think?

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I dnt think there is anything wrong with trying it but do not become a pot head yourself if you smoke it everyday youll become messed up so like once a while is good......plus try and have something to eat before you do that way you have energy and then have something ready to eat aftawards.......An um depending how stoned you get you should have alot of fun......its great getting high i think but it has its low points aswell sometimes.....but jus enjoy youself

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im very much against it ..ive done it and am now clean for two years +..i hated the person i was when on it (which wasnt even long at all) ...if you want to try it ''just to feel what its like'' fine learn it for yourself..i know its bad new tho..but it seems ur just doing it bc everyone around u does it , and you figure why not..and that isn't a good reason to do things..but think long and hard ..bc you can't take it back goodluck

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I think you should experience it. We need to experience things in our lives, but don't become addicted to it. My Dad was really into drugs and I always said I didn't want to be like him, and when I tried it I felt guilty too. But found out that it wasn't for me, hopefully you'll think the same.


One life, live it to the fullest. Experience it, just don't become addicted.



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weed is not addictive......it only is because the dealers sparay it with ecstasy and cocaine and addictive drugs so that people get addicted and that way they have customers for life.....the only place where its pure is proberly a legit place where you can get it eg amsterdam all pure there very good too..... I doubt youll get addicted after trying it tho people get addicted if they do it regularry and your first time normally is the best it was for me...... but still id recommend having a friend that will take care of you......

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What if you try it and find out you like it? That wouldn't neccesarily be a good thing, cause you probably didn't like seeing your father doing drugs, so you know what its like for loved ones to see you that way.


Basically, I think that if you are questioning it, you shouldn't do it. You might just end up regretting it.


Just think about the consequences and the positives and negatives before you actually do it. Don't do it just because you feel you should because everyone else is.. That will just lead you to regret. You have to do what you want to do and what you feel is right.

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If you are having doubts and feeling bad about it, maybe thats a sign that you shouldn't do it. Ask yourself why you are really doing this. Is it just because other people are? Is it just to find out what the big deal is? In my opinion those are not very good reasons. If you don't feel it is right, then you should listen to your heart and not go along with it. Like you, I've seen what drugs can do to people. I'm sure its not something you want to go through. For people who say its just one time, one can easily become two, three, etc. The best way to avoid a problem is to never put yourself in a position to have that problem. And there are plenty of better ways to have fun and feel good.

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no, i dont think u should do it... u already saw ur father doing it and u never thought that u would do something like that... and if u know that its ok to do then u wouldnt ask abt it.... just stay away from it, its not a big deal.. so what if everyone around u does it? u dont have to do everything ppl does, its wrong.... just stay away from it, for u own good...

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I was like you in my earlier years. When I started going to high school i was pressured into smoking weed, much like your considering.


over the last couple of years I've turned to drugs to help me deal with problems. this only makes more problems.


Overall tho, its just a waste of time/money/brain cells. and it will only take away parts of your life.



just watching the ways harder drugs have affected my peers makes me glad i never went past weed.


if you wanna smoke weed, thats fine. As long as you do it responsibily not much harm can come from it. But just dont let others pressure you into it, like i have..

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