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Female Pubic Hair

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You guys are all silly. *shaking head*.


I say to leave your body and hair the way it is everywhere. If you and your partner decide you prefer certain things...work it out between you.


Beside, in France the women don't shave anywhere, do they?


There you go. Go to Paris is you like more hair on women.


Just kidding.


Oh, you're all silly.



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I find unshaven women really beautiful.


From a medical doctor, I learnt that roughly half of the women who visit the regional health service are shaven.

I guess I should be thinking that the Glass Is Half Full.


Too bad 11Flower was only joking. For a moment I thought "All right! Paris, here I come!". ;-)

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No, I wasn't joking about Paris. What Tinkerbell said. They don't have hangups about human body hair.


If people have preferences, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to mention it to one another. All hair is there for a reason, that of protection. But shy should it be a big deal.


Overall, I think this post is somewhat a joke. So I won't tell my own secrets and you don't know what I would do or not.

I just voiced my opinion on the matter.


Paris and Europe, however, again wasn't a joke.



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Well every1 has an opinion of what they like, and it isnt unsual for some guys to like ladies with a lot of hair down there.


Lots of guys like women totally shaved.


For me i dont like lots of hair and i dont like it totally shaved. A nice small triangle or thin strip is fine.

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I actually prefer the feeling of having a very small amount of hair 'down there' myself. I don't find it attractive, even to myself.


And guys - it's also much more attractive if YOU groom regularly down there. This is going to sound pretty sick, but the more hair you have down there, the more STENCH is going to linger on your balls. I've heard that it's pretty itchy for a guy to trim down there (when the hair starts growing back), but most of you scratch and pull at your junk frequently anyhow, right?


What's worse:


- Doing some trimming down there and having to 'adjust'/ scratch a bit more often than you already do?


- Not grooming at all and having more stank balls?


Hey, I've just noticed that hairier guys down there retain much more of a B.O. than the ones with less hair.

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I love a women with lots of pubes. I did go out with a gal one time that had very hairy nipples. I mean when I sucked her tits I could use them fo dental floss. That was kinda weird but man was she a looker. As for a shaven beaver???? Naw not attractive to me at all.

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My last boyfriend used to drop strong hints about how girls should keep neatly trimmed down there (this was before we became intimate), but I rarely shaved. I was a bit worried about what his reaction would be, but whenever we were intimate, he was constantly telling me over and over how beautiful he thought I looked.


Everyone just needs to be how they feel most comfortable. : )

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