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What happened? It was great then it wasn't..


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Hey all,


Well after probably one of the most sour breakups that I will ever experience I finally have ventured out into the dating world again. This time with a very attractive girl that is in my history class. I don't really talk to her regularly, but I saw her online yesterday so I started talking to her.


We talked for about an hour just about everything and we both decided that we should do something together for fun. So we planned on going to see Ocean's Twelve and then go ice-skating.


The movie went well.. I mean we were both chatting with each other about the movie, laughing, touching each other. She ended up practically sitting on me. It was just fun. Things went very well. After the movie we were on our way to the ice rink and we stopped by to just say hello to a friend of mine who is NEVER in town and we both said hello to him and another friend on mine that was with him. We stayed there for maybe like 5 minutes and my date encouraged them to come ice-skating with us.


So when we went ice-skating things went well at first. We were both laughing and it seemed like she was enjoying herself. We were both pretty close, held hands while skating for awhile, and yeah.. it was fun. Then she just kind of snapped out of it and wanted to go do something else. So we decided to leave the ice rink and go out to see what else was going on.


We ended up going to a local restaurant that everyone hangs out at. We just pretty much sat there. The whole time she apologized and said that it wasn't anything to do with me, but that she was tired and not her self. I didn't know what to make of that.. honestly, I believe she was just being nice to me and really wanted to go home. But what I don't understand is how the date went from awesome to horrible in such a short amount of time.


Maybe she was just out of it? What went wrong? Anybody? I'm just totally confused because I thought things were great, and they were until a certain point.


I have a class with this girl so I hope things aren't awkward between the two of us since we sit right next to each other.

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If this was a one-time thing, then take her at her word. You know when tiredness "suddenly hits you?" Maybe that's just what happened. Don't worry about it. But, if this starts occurring on a regular basis, then maybe this isn't the right girl for you. Good luck!

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I suppose you're right. I'm just a little reluctant to ask her back out after the awkward situation. Especially because maybe she just didn't want to be there with me anymore? Anyway, we'll see.. I'll be talking to her soon. Thanks for the replies.

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