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Should I be worried?

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So I've been back at work the past few days working 13 hour days to catch up since I was out for 2 days for my wisdom teeth extractions I've mentioned on here before.


I've been supremely busy and plus I'm trying to stay focused and motivated and positive to help fix the blahness and dysfunctional issues that I've spoken about here previously which BTW is working.


So its been a great weak but the momentum i was on got ruined because of the uber sensitive chick I spoke about in another post.


One of her managers was buying food for several departments and she was kind enough to tell me about it. Then around 12pm she calls me and kind of beats around the bush (which she does all the time) and after telling her to get to the point she asks in an overly joking sort of way to come with her to pick up the pizza which would take about 60-75 minutes out of my day. I told her no and that i was too busy but she kept pushing and pushing but it wasn't annoying.


But it went like this


Me: I can't, you know I have alot of work to do.

Her: (keeps pushing the issue)

Me: (Jokingly) Just go by yourself

Her: I don't like going to places by myself

Me: (Jokingly) LOL maybe you should just pull up your big girl panties and just do it for once

Her: OMG! OMG wow!


And then she hangs up.


Didn't bother me at first until I ran into her an hour later and I asked her why she's avoiding eye contact and in a pouty voice as she's walking away she said it was cause I was being mean.


I said "Omg no i wasn't." and she's like "yeah you were" and kept walking away.


When she came back from where she went to, I said "Are you seriously upset?!?!" and she said no but wasn't laughing/smiling so I said "Cause I wasn't being mean I was actually joking you know." and she said "Oh okay, I'm over it anyway" and just walked to her desk.


Normally I wouldn't care if she was upset cause she has sensitivity issues (which she does). But Ive never trusted her enough to not tattle tale. I don't have proof she tattles on people, but I don't thinks he's the kind of person who HASNT.


Did i screw up?

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Well she's obviously angry at you. And yes she dislikes you for having such a conversation. At least she can be easily read. She wants her feelings to be pleased. She is a people's person, who likes to maintain the group harmony. And she doesn't like to do things individually but prefers team work. And basically you are not allowed to walk over her. In other words with her, its like having to walk on eggs.


You have to talk indirectly to her. Something like 'i don't want to break your heart, but i have to work to do' rather then harshly (yes she is sensetive so she perceives it as harsh'. When you talk to her "first preserve her feelings, then tell her what it is about, ok?"


Even if you don't owe it to her, just send her a apologize e-mail. Or tell her that you are sorry for being so harsh, that it wasn't your intention, and if she has time you want to make it up with her.


This kind of behaviour you actually often see in Asian countries were they keep up a confusius type of lifestyle.

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