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Guy Playing Hard To Get


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Here's some perspective from the male side.


This guy is an idiot. In my opinion, one of the most disrespectful things you could do to a woman is 1. Make her feel uncomfortable, and 2. Keep pushing for sex over and over again when it was already made clear that the woman is not ready for that YET. This is what drives me insane about my fellow men, they keep trying to get women in bed as quick as possible, but all their pestering just leads to even LESS of a chance of sex - and a probable end to whatever relationship was budding due to awkwardness/distrust. Its stupid, and to me, any guy that actually cares about forming a meaningful bond with a woman wouldn't do what this guy is doing.


He wants to bang more than he wants to get to know you as a person.


I would agree that it seems that his just looking for a short term sexual relationship or a booty call and nothing more. I would also agree that it is obviously very disrespectful to keep pushing for sex when someone has made it clear that they don't want to or are not ready yet. This guy needs to be cut loose.


I would however somewhat disagree with the statement of making her feel uncomfortable. In some situations making someone feel uncomfortable can be very unintentional and lead to making someone think you're a far worse person than you actually are. I think if someone knows that they are making someone feel uncomfortable and they keep doing it over and over again then they need to obviously stop. Being a little persistent at first is ok in my opinion but up to a certain point someone should know that they just need to drop it.

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