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My collegue has driven me to leave. Has anyone else had this problem?

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So I'm sitting here at my desk at work and my colleague is on the phone to a client.

I work 2 and a half days with this women and another 2 and a half days with another women - whom I get along with.


She's on the phone and she's really loud. I cannot bare it. Her voice goes right through me! She puts on this really high, super condescending voice. She literally makes me cringe when she talks on the phone. She always drags her words like 'Alwrrright' and 'Know what I'm sayinnnn' She constantly uses these words at the end of a sentence and she repeats herself. It's like of course they know what your jeffing saying you've said it 12 jeffing times!


Another thing is, she seats 1ft away from me and she still talks to me as if I'm sitting accross the room. I come home everyday I work with her with a strained headache. She also talks a lot. Like literally never shuts up. I have to clench my teeth and fists because I hate it so much. Its gotten to the point where I'm not even listening to what she's saying. The whole time I'm screaming in my head 'SHUT THE JEFF UP!"

I can't concentrate on work she's constantly talking my ear off with mindless needless pointless... crap Tbh, it's all crap.

She's also super bossy. We are equal in our job role yet she thinks she runs the joint. At first I thought it might be because I'm younger but she does it to the other lady too!


It's so bad now that when she does have a rare second were her mouth isn't moving and she's turned her back - I day dream about bashing her head in. Really I do.


I know she's probably just a friendly bubbly talkative person, but she's driving me to insanity. Literally.

I feel mean, but I really can't help but be angered by it all.


It's gotten to the point were I dread going into work with her.

It's gotten to the point were I'm looking for other jobs.


Has anyone else had problems with their colleagues that it's lead them to leave?

If so, have you ever gotten over it? Have you ever confronted it? Or did you just leave and never look back? What happened?


Love to hear some stuff

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Don't leave, tell your supervisor.


We had a case like this, where the woman was both loud and spending too much time on personal business on the phone. So we reported it to the supervisor, that her constant loud talking was affecting our ability to concentrate and hence our work, and they moved her to another area where she was more by herself and the talking wouldn't affect other people.


You have a perfect right to raise with your supervisor anything that is impacting your performance, and in fact should raise the issue. If this woman is jabbering all day long, she is not working and the boss needs to know about it!


Only if your boss doesn't do anything about it would I consider leaving.

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Don't leave, tell your supervisor.


We had a case like this, where the woman was both loud and spending too much time on personal business on the phone. So we reported it to the supervisor, that her constant loud talking was affecting our ability to concentrate and hence our work, and they moved her to another area where she was more by herself and the talking wouldn't affect other people.


You have a perfect right to raise with your supervisor anything that is impacting your performance, and in fact should raise the issue. If this woman is jabbering all day long, she is not working and the boss needs to know about it!


Only if your boss doesn't do anything about it would I consider leaving.


The thing is her and my supervisor get on really well! They are both nutty chatters.

Also, we can't move her anywhere else, we all have to share a desk space as we run a small area together. So frustrating!

I did have a brief mention of it to my manager a couple of days about working with the others, though wasn't quite sure how to get my point accross.

Maybe next time I'll just be brutally honest! I'll tell her that I day dream about bashing my co worker head in. Maybe she'll take me seriously then

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Can't you just ask to have her moved to a new desk (or you moved to a new desk)? Certainly they would consider giving you a new work partner if you asked, right? I don't feel like its unreasonable, given how your personalities don't benefit a good working relationship.

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>>I'll tell her that I day dream about bashing my co worker head in.


Don't tell her that... that could be taken as a threat. Instead just tell her it is getting so bad, that you're not sure you can function in the job because of the constant nattering. IAsk if you can swap desks to be further away from her.


If she doesn't do anything about it or reacts badly to your being honest with her, then look for another job.

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Can't you just ask to have her moved to a new desk (or you moved to a new desk)? Certainly they would consider giving you a new work partner if you asked, right? I don't feel like its unreasonable, given how your personalities don't benefit a good working relationship.


I wish it was that easy! We are in a small space, it literally just fits the two of us. We are in a separate office from the company office so we get left to it a lot. We are designated to be in charge of the same area so we cannot request to be a different part of the company as it wouldn't be our expertise so to speak and I wouldn't be getting a new partner unless she was fired / quit / MURDERED.



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Would they let you wear noise cancelling headphones while you work? And listen to your own music? Or would that not be possible with your line of work?


Hahahaha! I've already tried earplugs! It doesn't really work cos we get a lot of clients come into the office to talk face to face, we get a alot of phone calls ect ect. The other women suggested ear plugs to me because she does it! But they work together on a Saturday were no one else works.


See the dilemma I'm in! ahahahaha

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I would tell my supervisor that I am struggling with the noise problem... even if there is little to be done. That way at least you can say you went about the situation correctly (seeking help from the proper channels) if you do end up having to leave.


Maybe you could tactfully try to tell her the way she speaks on the phone is preventing you from doing your best. Or get the supervisor to do it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I left my last job because of a coworker. He was loud, obnoxious, lazy, arrogant, confrontational, irrational but most of all, he was grossly incompetent. And even though everyone agreed he was a useless turd (including our supervisor), the 'big' boss would not allow him to be fired, nobody could quite figger that one out. As his team leader I tried very hard to work with him and mentor him and be patient for months. One day, when I was explaining a fairly basic task to him for the 4th time and he acted like he'd never heard it before, I concluded that he was honestly just too stupid to be mentored and I gave up. I refused to have him work on my projects as did the other team leaders. Eventually he was basically doing nothing all day every day (which suited him just fine), everyone else got more and more resentful. The toxic environment was too much for me so I left. So I hear your pain! Been there!

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