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Nervous about moving forward with him....


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So I met this guy in December, and I liked him within minutes. He was just so nice to me. I haven't been a relationship since my teen years (early twenties now) and even then the one I was in was abusive and draining. It was just really refreshing to have just met this guy and have a really fun time hanging out, even just as friends. He added me on facebook two days later (even though I didn't tell him my facebook name?) but after that we didn't re-connect.

We started hanging out again early this year because we both have volunteer jobs at the same place, and spend a lot of time hanging out there. When I see him, he hugs me, talks to me, sits with me, and it's fun! I really like being around him, he's a good friend.


Recently he's been sort of suggestive, maybe trying to imply that he likes me? He said that we should hang out, things like that, sending me random texts. I really, really like this guy. But, I'm so worried of everything failing. I'm worried that maybe he doesn't like me too much and will forget about me in a week or so. I'm worried about breaking up already. We haven't even hung out yet, and I'm scared about this! I'm also worried that he might be a total . I mean, yeah, he's rude and loud and impulsive but I knew that already. Some mutual friends of ours have expressed that they find him annoying and rude. I get nervous that maybe he's some awful, horrible person.


But.....Then I think, why? He's always perfectly lovely to me, and asks me if I'm okay when I'm sad, he doesn't annoy me so what do I care? I feel like that might be my nerves trying to keep myself from getting hurt. I'm always so afraid of getting hurt, even though I've been alone since I was 16. I think it would be really nice to have a boyfriend who enjoy a lot of the same things as me, is in the same friend group as me, and treats me nice. But I'm still scared. Anyone want to share their two cents?

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"Recently he's been sort of suggestive, maybe trying to imply that he likes me? He said that we should hang out, things like that, sending me random texts. I really, really like this guy. But, I'm so worried of everything failing"

- Then don't rush anything. Just hang out with him for a while. See how that goes.. If he stays around this time or not?

Do you even know if he's single? How well do you know him?


Take it slowly...

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"Recently he's been sort of suggestive, maybe trying to imply that he likes me? He said that we should hang out, things like that, sending me random texts. I really, really like this guy. But, I'm so worried of everything failing"

- Then don't rush anything. Just hang out with him for a while. See how that goes.. If he stays around this time or not?

Do you even know if he's single? How well do you know him?


Take it slowly...


Good point! I was going to mention this but was distracted by a thing called work! Looking deeper, I'd say one likely scenario is that he did have someone when you first met but doesn't now. I think it would be good if you sought the answer. It is also quite possible that he is with someone but likes you and is interested in doing a swap. It's your choice but in your shoes I would say no more than friends until he dumps the other girl.


Good luck.

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I think worrying about breaking up is putting the cart before the horse. I say just keep hanging out with him and see if he is single. Figure out if he has the character you want in a long term partner and if you guys are compatible. And definitely hold off on sex before you two decide where things are going.


Be calm.

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