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New sex toy adventures...


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This is not a question, just rather a humorous tale. If it doesn't belong in this particular forum, I apologize.


I have long wanted to buy a sex toy for myself, but have been rather embarrassed. I finally decided to do it in order to fill the void for those times when I can't be with my girlfriend. After much googling I settled on the Autoblow2. It is a device that is supposed to simulate the real experience. It is electrically powered.


It arrived in the mail yesterday. The thing is white and blue, cylindrical in appearance. I immediately thought of R2D2. It's really straightforward to use and operate, but mine appears to be defective. In addition to the regular motor sounds, it makes a loud clanging noise. I decided to try it anyway. It definitely works and the sensation is quite good, but the clanging noise made me think of receiving pleasure from R2D2 and this simply killed any of my desires. I tried to visualize my girlfriend, but this didn't work. R2D2 just doesn't attract me. I guess I'm not enough of a Star Wars nerd.


So I emailed the manufacturer and it turns out that the clanging is a common defect and a replacement will be sent to me. We'll see how that one works.

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You are a braver man than I will ever be (in the sex toy buying and using arena I mean). At the risk of sounding trite, if you are looking to shake up your self play routine, why not just use your non dominant hand? I'm just throwing that out there. Hands never make clanging sounds (at least mine don't) and no risk of accidental penile mangling in the depths of robotic love.

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You are a braver man than I will ever be (in the sex toy buying and using arena I mean). At the risk of sounding trite, if you are looking to shake up your self play routine, why not just use your non dominant hand? I'm just throwing that out there. Hands never make clanging sounds (at least mine don't) and no risk of accidental penile mangling in the depths of robotic love.


It took me a lot of contemplating to finally order one. I don't want to shake up my self play routine, I want to get away from it completely, but I feel inadequate because I can't climax with the woman I love. I simply can't climax from anything but my hand. My hopes are that using this will slowly desensitize me from my hand.


I just bought a used one of these on Craigslist myself. Ha ha ha, just kidding. That story about the clanging noise and R2D2 made me laugh. Earplugs maybe?


I tried using the infernal device again last night. It ended up breaking completely, so now I will await the arrival of the replacement. No, my manhood didn't get mangled.

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At the risk of sounding trite, if you are looking to shake up your self play routine, why not just use your non dominant hand? I'm just throwing that out there. Hands never make clanging sounds (at least mine don't) and no risk of accidental penile mangling in the depths of robotic love.


I thought all men use both hands? My right hand would get tired if that is all I used in one jerk off session.


I've thought about getting a fleshlight. Just so I'd have some idea of what a vagina feels like. Tho i'd be worried about the clean up.

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Omg, that made me laugh out loud. Awesome!


One of my exes had a fleshlight and several sleeves for it...I think the Autoblow was part of a indiegogo funding thing...pretty cool.


One of my exes had a difficult time orgasming unless he was doing it himself...we made it work...like, I loved 2 hour sex so that was awesome...and then when I was done, I would lick his nipples/balls while he got himself off. Sometimes he'd ask me to use my vibrator on myself while he came...that kind of thing. You make it work...one of the best partners I've had...and I know I was his best. Probably because of the lack of giving up lol

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Have you tried not using anything except her mouth and vagina for a month or so?


The problem is that due to various circumstances it just doesn't happen often enough. If I go without sexual stimulation for more than a couple of days, I start to get irritable and anxious. When things calm down with our schedules and other issues that prevent us being together often enough are worked out, I'm sure that things will be different.

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One of my exes had a difficult time orgasming unless he was doing it himself...we made it work...like, I loved 2 hour sex so that was awesome...and then when I was done, I would lick his nipples/balls while he got himself off. Sometimes he'd ask me to use my vibrator on myself while he came...that kind of thing. You make it work...one of the best partners I've had...and I know I was his best. Probably because of the lack of giving up lol


I feel amazing when I bring my girlfriend to an orgasm. I'm sure that she would want to do the same to me. The things you describe, I've done before, but I want her to be my source of ecstasy, not my own hands.


Meanwhile I'll await for a replacement for the robotic love machine and when it arrives I'll report on the results. Maybe the next one will be gold in color and I'll think of C3PO... I could always try to think of it as a female terminator and picture Summer Glau or Kristanna Loken.

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The replacement device arrived today, still looking like R2D2. The clanging was gone, the noise reduced to motor whining. I positioned myself comfortably and covered it with a blanket to muffle the sound. In the beginning I fantasized about my girlfriend, then watched some adult videos. I let the device work its motorized silicone magic for over an hour, but to no avail. A climax wasn't in the cards.


I may try again next week and if the result is the same, I will take advantage of the manufacturer's generous return policy.

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There is a plasticity to the brain. Like computers, we are programmed, but unlike computers our programming is not static, it interacts with and adapts to it's setting.


If you are used to the hand and allow the hand, the body will prefer the hand. Remove the hand and your body will still want to cum. It will 'reprogram' to make that happen. Think about stroke and spinal injury patients. How can there be any return of lost function? Reprogramming.

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Alternate example:

I'm going to quit smoking by finding something better. Maybe alcohol. If there is something better than I shouldn't even want to smoke.


Nope. The process of reprogramming comes from changing the environment. Cease or slowly wean the cigarettes to quit.

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