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Hi guys,

Just a lil background, me and my gf broke up about 3 months ago. i was totally devastated and heart broken. Sh was the love of my life.


People said it will get better with time. its been 3 months and yea it has gotten 'somewhat' better, but that change has not been major.


So what i want to ask all those who have healed after breakups is, Did u force urself to get over this person OR did u just leave it as it is and time faded things away??


Like i go to places, meet new people, keep myself busy, but there are always momets in life when u got nuttin to do like travelling, walking etc where u just cant help thinking about the other person!! What should i do about that? Also i just go out, cuz then i dont sit home and think bout her, but it doesent give me any pleasure.


What should i do when my mind goes into "think bout her" mode? Also one part of me just doesent want to stop thinking bout her, is this normal? Like i wanna have a normal single life now, but her thoughts wont let me.


Any advice appreciated.

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i had the same thing happen dn yea i do think it is normal b/c since you truly loved her than u ve got to miss her. but going out and not htinking about her is good, try to hang out and go out with girls even just as friends. thats what i did when i broke up and t made me feel better and eventially got over her and started dating again.

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Was it a difficult breakup or was it a mutual depart? Anyway everyone gets over traumas in their life differently. If you know that there is no way in hell of yall getting back together then you have to make your mind up that your going to move on and life will continue. Yes you may never stop loving her but you can get over her to the point where she doesnt stop your flow of living.

Because you loved her she will run through your mind that is only natural but as time goes on when you think about her it won't phase you at all. Whenever you think about her think about how she may have already moved on which will make you more determine to get over her. Time heal all wounds is a true saying because in time your wounds will heal.

Good luck!

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Do your best to just keep busy and let time do it's thing brother. It has been over 8 months for me and still not a single hour passes during the day that she doesnt cross my mind. It is not every minute like it use to be, so it does actually get better.


I am sure she thinks about you a lot as well, so don't think you are all alone in that aspect. Keep your chin up, and let all of these great people, who happen to be in your same situation, help you through your difficult times.

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When a relationship ends, most people look back on the time they spent with their ex and have a tendency to "glorify" their past relationship.


It has been 2 months today that I have broken up with my ex because of the way she emotionally abused me and disrespected me. When I thought about her at first I missed her, and then I remembered all the bad qualities that more than overwhelmed the good qualities she had, and I thought to myself "Why was I with her? What was wrong with me that I stayed with someone like that?"


I digress. What I did was think about how much better I am off without her, and that made the healing easier. Maybe that will help you too.


2 months later, I have recovered just fine.

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People will say that you are able to control those thoughts and feelings but I don't believe it. There is only so much you can do. It's true that some are better at moving on than others. It took me 13 months and I still think about her, but then again I was in hell seeing her every single day!


Get some sun, get some excercise, it will help. Some say it will hurt less and less every day until one day you don't feel it. Maybe. But I think that takes years. The other idea is that the only cure for a woman is another woman. And I believe it. You'll need time to heal and youll need time to find someone else, but aside from the pieces of your heart that you let her keep, one day you will be whole again.

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