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Been helping her move, now what???

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So, I've been helping this girl move for the past week and a half. We are done now and I can't stop thinking of her. I'm not sure what to do because, We have spent all day every day together this entire time including, moving going out to lunch and dinners too...etc...etc... so though it was a date per-se it sometimes seemed like it was. There was alot of flirting through-out the process. I didn't see or even talk to her at all for the first time yesterday, and so far today is turning out the same. Should I now call her or what? Or should I let some time pass so maybe she will start to miss me then call again later?

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Sometimes you have to take a chance in life. She may only look at you as a friend or she could be looking at you as more than a friend. You are in the best position to say whether there are any deeper than friendship feeling involved.


There is nothing wrong in giving her a call and asking her out for a meal or something. You have lived your life without her up to now, so even if she said no you wont be loosing anything since you never had it in the beginning.


You will never know without trying



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The negative way to look at it:


She may have used you, especially if she's really pretty. Of course if she did this she knew it was important to feed you during the process and flirt to keep you motivated to move her.



The positive side:


She's probably resting and getting her place together and hasn't had time to call. However, if I were you, I'd call her and if she doesn't call back in two days, leave her alone. I've known a fair amount of good looking girls that have used guys for moving only.


By the way, you were great. It's hard to find guys to help when its time to move.

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