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I suspect that I may be dating a person with a narcissistic disorder. At the beginning I was her everything but now the contact is very minimal.

She is incredibly seductive and sexy and it is difficult to let her go.


She has gained control of the relationship which I was trying to be very careful not to happen.

I have found that most people if you ask if they have been unfaithful will very rarely admit their indiscretions.


I am trying to distance myself but find it difficult. ... I find talking about it and keeping myself busy seems to help.

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Generally power struggles in a relationship are a sign that things aren't going to work. She might be *sexy and seductive* but if you think she's cheating, lying, being controlling or is perhaps suffering from such a serious mental illness, perhaps it's time to start thinking with a different organ and end things.


I'm not sure what you mean by "distancing yourself".... if you want to heal and move on from a bad relationship, cutting contact completely is the fastest way to go.


Here's a guide that will help you: link removed

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I read your other threads so I know the story.


Of course you know what is going on. She is dating other men along with you. When things get slow she contacts you or when she thinks you are going to end things she throws you a crumb to keep you on the line.


It all comes down to what you want. From what I have read you want a real relationship and she wants the excitement of new men in her life and the thrill of being pursued.


Her patterns keep repeating themselves so it isn't just a one time thing that happened. I know it can be tough to walk away from a sexy beautiful woman but it is time to move on for sure. It could be that she knows full well the control she can have over men because of her looks and she likes it. Live and learn on this one.


If you haven't already it would be best to simply let her know nicely that since she isn't interested in a relationship there is no reason to continue seeing each other. No debate, no long discussion, just quick and short and leave it at that.


Good luck


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