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What is the Right Choice ? Giving up or Keep trying...

Foolish heart

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I am not sure what to think anymore. I have been involved in this complicated relationship with someone that I don't see enough of and they keep telling me things will get better. Last Thursday she stopped over for an hour on her way to pick up her son at the airport and we made tentative plans to see each other on Sunday when she dropped her son off at the airport. On Sunday she sent me a text stating she was too tired but wondered if we could move it to Monday since she was off of work. Granted she drove an hour to drop her son off at the airport and we were in the same city.


We get to Monday and she ended up working and asked if we could move it to Thursday. I declined but asked if we could talk later. I called later and got her voicemail which did not surprise me. She texted me back a little later letting me know that she had just gotten back from jogging and would call me after her shower.


The call never came but I did get a text with some silly explanation about falling asleep after the shower. It seems that she has no problem texting but there seems to be an avoidance of talking on the phone and actually seeing each other.


At the beginning we talked, texted and saw each other a lot but now it seems pretty sad. I am not happy how this has made me feel but even more frustrating is the fact that I am trying to address it and cannot seem to connect.


I had planned to end things but I am not sure how or what to do at this point....


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How about you text her to have her call you when she gets a chance, and then talk to her, if nothing is resolved break up with her. It's obviously difficult to get in touch with her. If she doesn't call you back, and you try to call her again, screw it...do it over text

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When started dating it was pretty much texting everyday and seeing each other weekly. Even during football season she managed to see me and texted daily. Her son is an nfl player so she travels to most of his games. The other thing that we are an hour apart so to me anytime she is in my city it should be an automatic visit...

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I'm sure this is painful for you, but when someone wants to be with you, they make the time, and nothing can keep them away. I wouldn't waste anymore time on someone who has this amount of disrespect towards you. You deserve better than this.


I think you hit it right on the head...lack of respect is the key word. It sounds like they are a pretty good master manipulator. I did notice some new friends on Facebook that are around our age from around the country that I have never heard her mention before...


Don't get me wrong my goal is to end the relationship with her but with respect and dignity...

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When started dating it was pretty much texting everyday and seeing each other weekly. Even during football season she managed to see me and texted daily. Her son is an nfl player so she travels to most of his games. The other thing that we are an hour apart so to me anytime she is in my city it should be an automatic visit...


I take it her son doesn't play for the Seahawks? lol

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