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My Fiancee Came back from war and isnt the same!!!:usa

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Hey everyone heres my story. My Fiancee and I have been engaged for 6 months he got deployed to Kuwait not even a month after we were engaged. He promised me so much and i said Dont make a promise you cant keep he told me everyday i kept repeating myself intill i finally believed everything. well he went away for 5 months and we talked almost everyday and it was wonderful never once did we fight! We dont fight because we are so alike well anyways when he got off the plane from deployment he gave me a big hug and kissed me and told me how much he loved me that night was great we cuddled and watched t.v then next morning he got up to go to breakfast with his dad i was too tired and said no its ok go so he gave me a kiss on the forhead and told me he loved me he came back from eating and said you want to go shopping and i said yeah so we went shopping but he was diffrent he didnt hug me kiss me hold my hand or open my door (he always use to) then he told me we needed to talk and i said lets talk he said not now so i gave him his ring and i said i know what it is i can tell so we didnt really speak he cried so hard but why is he doing this to me and his self if he doesnt want to i understand coming back from war is hard but i am always here for him and now he is so depressed and so am i and he wont talk to me tonight he told me he wants me to move on but i cant because i am so madly in love with him and want to be here WHAT SHOULD I DO?????

its been 3 weeks and i am still upset and i can tell when he calls that he wants to talk to me but he wont

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Now is not the time to abandon him. He needs you more than ever now. Be supportive and give him time to ease up. Nevermind if he is not ready to talk yet. Maybe it stresses him not only from the trauma of war, but also that you are expecting all these pretty things from him.


Be understanding, most of all, be there for him. You can tell that he still loves you. Hang on to that!!! Don't lose hope and don't judge him prematurely. Don't pressure him into talking if he is not ready. I know it's hard, but you have to be the stronger one when he is down.


He needs your strength now. Be that for him.

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im a former marine and decorated combat veteran.i will never be the same from my combat expieriences.war poisons the soul.and turns men into dogs.to this day i dont like to and cant be around people.and the guilt i suffer from for surviving i dont think will ever go away.i havent been with a woman for 6 years.im not saying that its hopeless for him.and in no way is it your fault.you need to force yourself on him.make him know you will never leave him.hes in a bad place right now.refuse to leave him.i wish someone would have been there for me.god knows,and im pretty sure that i know the things he saw,did,and lost there.there is nothing therapy or words can say to him now.with support from you and time he will get better about it.but he will never get over it.do me a favor,and tell him im a marine that came down from the resevouir.....he will understand....tell him........semper fi....

god bless....


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  • 1 month later...

the same thing is happening to me. only my man was only in kuwait for a month and he was in ft. lee va for another 4 months before that. they didn't have a mission for them, so he basically wasted all that time. he's back now and a little depressed. he said he's not happy with himself. and i could tell things we different before he had even said that. i don't know how to help him and what to do. we are much younger, 21, but I want to be able to help him but i don't know what to do. any suggestions?

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