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Is playing hard to get the way to go?


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I don´t think one should play games. What I do believe is in guarding yourself a little bit until you know someone better, and treading carefully so as to minimize heartache/disappointment. You shouldn´t go psycho mode and call him 5 times a day, but you also shouldn´t wait 3 days to call back. Just act normally as you would were this person a friend. Be courteous, call when you say you will, enjoy your time out with him, be curious about his life.


The beggining of any relationship is always a bit tense and uncertain. And it´s exciting as well. And yes, guys like to chase a bit. But if you´re only prey, what will he do once he catches you? If there wasn´t a connection to begin with, don´t waste your time playing games to make him want you more. I´m not impressed with men who will only chase you because they think they can´t have you. How about chasing you because of all of your other wonderful qualities that don´t include unavailability?


Just take things slow, keep your life busy, try and guard yourself against getting too googly eyed over someone you don´t know well yet (this is sometimes impossible), be yourself, and if you´re not sure he´s really interested... don´t push, let him come to you.

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