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Body changing after weight loss

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So I'm the smallest and healthiest I've been since I was probably a small child.


I'm 5-5'1 and about 9 months ago I had ballooned up to nearly 160 lbs. I didn't weigh myself when I was my largest because I was so disgusted with myself... But I'm now 120-125 depending on the time of day/what I've eaten/water weight ect.


I don't plan on purposely losing any more weight, just tightening up and getting toned.


The changes my body has taken since I've lost weight is starting to show though... I have stretch marks all over my inner thighs, and my breasts have shrunk significantly. I also have a decent amount of extra skin (or fat? I can't really tell.) in my belly "pouch" area.


Anyone else went through this? How do you cope?

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I went down from 160 to 128. Have stretch marks in several places, but I had them after my pregnancy as well. I do not have extra skin maybe because I worked out while losing weight and continued afterwards. As to stretch marks, I do not worry about them since they are not significant. But I heard that there are several natural oils, such as rose hip oil, that helps with it. How old are you, do you work out?

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I went down from 160 to 128. Have stretch marks in several places, but I had them after my pregnancy as well. I do not have extra skin maybe because I worked out while losing weight and continued afterwards. As to stretch marks, I do not worry about them since they are not significant. But I heard that there are several natural oils, such as rose hip oil, that helps with it. How old are you, do you work out?


I'm 20. I work out but not intensely. Most of my weight loss was from eating healthier and cutting out sugary calorie filled drinks.

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Hi. can anybody tell what is the good way to loss weight fast?


Hi jazz. I lost a lot of weight considerably quick - 40 lbs in about 6 months. You shouldn't aim for more than 10 pounds a month MAX.


Keep in mind this worked for me but might not work for others.

How I lost all my weight was pretty simple.


1. I cut out pop (soda) - switched to diet pop and water.


2. I quit "snacking". I was a habitual snacker and would munch on a lot of junk food in between meals.


3. I ate only when hungry. I didn't have set meal times. When my stomach growled, I ate a small meal. Sometimes I'd have 4-5 small meals in a day, sometimes only 1-2. I listened to my body and ate only when it needed food/nourishment.


4. I worked out 4-5 times a week. Cardio and weights.


I really need to start working out again but I can't afford a gym membership anymore lol

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