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Relationship too physical?

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Hey there.


Well my girlfriend and I see each other a reasonable amount, and when we see each other we have made out every time so far.


It's not the only thing we do, I mean we do couple stuff too, and our relationship does not revolve around the physical at all. We are just two VERY physical people.


I love her more than anything and I know she feels the same for me, note I said love and not lust. I really can see this relationship lasting for an extremely long time, if not forever.


I just wanted to know, could there be too much physicality? Even though neither have a problem with it, and we don't allow it to make us miss out on other things or anything like that. Could there be a problem?

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as long as you two go out and do other things, talk...etc...there is nothing wrong with being very physical with each other. It's pretty much a mutual interest just like any shared hobby would be.


If that was ALL you did, then, yes, I'd worry about it.


oh, and as long as you aren't grossing anyone out in public =)

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I don't think there's a set criteria for what is "too much," but I think there comes a point when that kind of stuff can become the most important part of your relationship, and I think that's a bad thing.


As long as you both feel that your relationship is based on other things (i.e., do you think that your relationship would be fine if that aspect of it was taken away for a time? I'm not saying it should be, of course, just that it shouldn't be central to your relationship).


Only you and your g/f can decide what's "right" and "wrong" for you...

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