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Keeping her interest.. new opportunity with a new girl


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Upon my return from a two or three year hiatus I took from online dating, I got a message from someone and was/am really excited as she seems like my type. Of course, there's a catch (isn't there always?). She lives two hours away; her campus where she lives as a resident is a two hour drive from mine.


We've had great conversations and it seems like we have a lot in common. We've agreed to meet on the 22nd.. I'll be making the drive up there. And it's not the long-distance that bothers me at all... it's maintaining her interest until that point. I don't have any experience with this really, because long-distance, with no person-to person face-to-face contact at all, is really foreign to me.. and I don't know how to charm her through texting and facebook messages if that makes sense.. I don't want her to get bored with the same old every other day message of, "I hope you're doing well," "How are you today?" Until the 22nd when we meet in person. She's kind of not into talking on the phone that much, either.


I want to spice it up and keep her engaged and guessing and I want to make things fun and not mundane. And I'm looking for suggestions to keep the ball rolling and keep her interest from waning.


I appreciate your ideas and suggestions, as I always do.

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Just wait until you two meet up. Give her space to think about you. Trust me she will think about you if she was really into you. Texting and messaging her something cute will only make you look like you're trying too hard and you will look like you have nothing going for you in your life other than her and that's unattractive.

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