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Hey guys,


I've never really been to a "real" party before. I mean I've been out a few times with friends to get drunk and that kind of stuff but I really don't do it very often at all. The other day I found out about this message board where a lot of the people from my college go to. I see a ton of threads about where "the party is happening" and that kind of stuff. I knew that most people here just go out and party a lot, but I just feel going out partying wouldn't be beneficial for me.


But then another side of me says that if you want to meet more people then try out a party. But at the same time I am not really the party type at all. My problem all semester has been more about just trying to find some new friends to hang out with. I like the friends I have right now but I just don't have many at all. Half of the time I end up eating by myself in the cafeteria, etc. And I know most of these people are out partying on the weekends but I'm just not that type of person.


However, what I would like to ask is if I am just trying to meet new people, then would going to a party be a good idea anyway? When I say meet new people, I mean new people that are nice and genuine and have other passions in life other than drinking and partying. And I figure most people that are at these parties probably aren't the type of people I want to meet. I know I am generalizing there but what do you guys think?

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OKay...,I'm gonna be honest with you, there are people at parties that have ambitions and all those stuff but most people at parties don't go to them to make friends they come with friends. You shouldn't try to hard to make new friends just cherish the ones you have.

Many people try to come of as real but alot of people are artificial. Just relax and alot of friends ain't good for you, stay focus on the things that are much more important and you already said you have a few friends so be happy with the ones you have. And don't try to change who you are.

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I'm not a party person either. Actually, a couple weeks ago I went with some people I knew as they went to bars and got drunk. It was my first time in a bar and I hated every minute of it. I think just talking or hanging out doing something like bowling is fun, there's no need for parties.


There is a slim chance you'll find someone nice and genuine at a party. Odds are these people are not the kind of people you sound like you want to meet. I agree, enjoy the friendships you already have. If you really want to meet new people, join a club or organization that deals with something your interested in. The people you meet will clearly have an interest in something other than partying and it will be an interest you share. Alot of people are fake and superficial, especially those who always have to be partying. Don't change yourself or do something you don't enjoy doing. Odds are you'll end up as miserable as I was. From your posts you seem like a great person, don't try to be something your not.

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