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Some advice on this?

Ng Zhi Xiang

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Hello guys, again.... ._. Recently I got my arse off and started losing weight till I reached my goal to finally tell her about my feelings to her , While I am on that... I'm trying to stall her through social media such as Facebook by chatting with her .... I didn't made much communication with her through my adolescence.... I was pretty much immature back then, disturbing her with the little 'insults ' I guess to get her attention but that was just remarkably imbecilic . I had a crush on her for 6 years, and yes... That didn't even cross it at all. I felt very attached to her... Feeling elated only when if I am talking to her of course... Otherwise depressed like an emotional turmoil .. She recently said she noticed that I kept changing subjects ( as in questions ). I just fairly did that for keeping the conversation going... No deviation intended . And then... Yesterday ( perhaps 2 days since it's going to be midnight ) she said she asked me a favour and that is to not message her so much because her father doesn't let her use too much of her phone... I just lost it... If I can't really talk to her I felt quite depressed to say that I am like somewhat overly-sensitive about love? Maybe she needs space ... But I feel like I just want to talk to her .. Mostly EVERYTHING I do has just a tiny reference that drives me insane to the fact that it also made me depressed for a short while . I'm just afraid .. I would actually lose her to someone else soon... What should I do? She's the main reason why I actually wanted to lose weight ..


Thanks for your time ! Much appreciated!

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