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Well i broke up with my girlfriend 3 weeks and half ago (actually it was she breaking). After that we still live together for 3 days, but i was really angry on her, those days were like a living hell for both. On the last day she left the house hysterical, cause the night before i kissed her a couple of times without she wanting it. She verbally accused me of lots of stuff. So it was a really bad. I still said i was sorry of kissing her when she didn't want it, but she start shouting so i shout back.

Well after this 3 weeks im still hurting over her (normal i guess). I tried to reach her, said im sorry, asking for forgiveness but she doesnt reply. So now im going through the hard but necessary NC stuff.

The question is, after all this mess, am i struggling for something i will never have again, or there is always hope? If so, any good ideas to help me out? what should i do?

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Im sorry to have to say, but if she truly feels that you "assaulted" her, she could just plain be scared of you.


I don't know the precise details of the situation, but if she felt threatened, that's a pretty big deal. I don't think that right now she will be open to any form of communication. The only hope at this point is that looking back on it in retrospect, it may seem to her less dramatic. She could have been stressed and overreacting to the situation, but it would take her some time to realize that.


I would suggest leaving her alone for now. Try to get yourself together, keep yourself occupied, and she might come around. Essentially it will have to be her contacting you otherwise it might be perceived as stalkerish (only because of the present situation). Hang in there.

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You need to think about your relationship and how it was.How much you fought and what you fought about.

You need to move on, and some day she may come back,and if she don't you need to just get over it.The main thing,you need to ask yourself why she broke up with you and if you did do her wrong,don't make the same mistakes.twice.You really didn't give us much information.I think you need to do a lot of thinking about the what and why of things.

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