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so in love with two

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what did i do?

i met this guy, jon, two weeks we hung out, he went back to the military tho we stayed in touch the whole yr n we both agreed it felt as tho we were meant to be with each other.

in the meantime of him being gone i got involved with mario, and jon was ok with it.

i thought it would be simple to leavemario and just have everything be ok with jon.

jon camer home and i found myself in love with mario. allthough im not sure if me and mario "are meant to be" since those feelings arent there as they were with me and jon.

both guys want me.

i care for them both.

im currently with mario and have told jon thats how its gonna be.

i know hes upset.

im upset.

i dont want mario to be upset.

but i dont no what to do.

i love mario, or so i think and allthough those feelings with jon are not as strong as the were before, i think its only a matter of time before i find them again with him.

jon smokes and allthough i don tlike it i could deal, mario doesnt like me drinking so i dont drink as much tho i wish i could.

i like them both. i almost think i love them both.

im just scared to leave what i know to venture into the unknown....

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This is a pretty common situation believe it or not.


You avoid these situations by not making promises you can't keep. If you really loved Jon, you would have waited for him to return. It's unreasonable for him to expect you to wait, but you shouldn't have kept his hopes up.


The best thing to do is make up your mind. You have to leave them out of it. Think about what matters to you, think about who you'd want to be with more.


No matter what someone is going to get hurt. You should learn from this and try to avoid letting it happen again.


I'm sorry about your position, personally I'd go with whoever likes you more for who you are.


I hope this helps.

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The main thing: Be honest with yourself.

Who do you honestly see yourself day to day with?

Not just in the fantasy, not just sex, etc. Who do you see yourself doing the nitty gritty with? Who will sit with you at the doctor, the hairdresser? Who do you see yourself helping at their lowest?

Picture your future-honestly.

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