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How long?

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Well, I can't give you a lecture for only being 15 and wanting to have sex. I lost my virginity when I was 16. I can tell you something though: I regret not waiting longer. I regret that it wasn't with the right person. I regret just about everything! lol


If you're in a relationship with a guy, I would probably try to make absolutely sure that he cares for you first. By this, I mean that he always repsects your feelings, you trust him and he keeps his promises, you've been dating seriously for at least 2 months, etc. When I lost my virginity, the guy wasn't very nice afterwards and it really hurt me for a long time afterwards (which is why I didn't have sex again until I was 18 years old!).


Just be sure that you can handle the intimacy, and how your relationship will change after you do it. He will probably want to have it all the time after that, so be prepared to be approached sexually from him frequently after that. Having sex will change you and how you view your relationship, so be sure that you are old and mature enough to handle that responsibility.

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Haha...I understand what you mean by not being old enough. I have been with this guy off and on ever since I was about 13. I will be 16 in under a month (Jan. 9). I know that I am not willing to do this NOW.. but if the situation comes about, within like 3-4 months, I may. Who knows, I was just kinda curious on everyone's views on that sort of thing.

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