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Why is he ignoring me?


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I met this guy a couple of weeks ago and we had a fun time. Actually it was only meant to be a bit of fun but we found ourselves liking each other a lot and both said we'd like to meet up again.


He works a lot, so I've been patient in arranging another date. We chat daily either over the phone or texting and we finally decided on a date (which was last night). It was quite late as he gets off work at 11, I was gonna stay over then we were going to go out the next day and do something.


Come 11 and nothing, no texts. I message to ask what's going on, and he messages an hour later to let me know he wasn't ignoring me and he had a manic last shift at work and not to feel bad, apologised for not contacting me and was quite sweet about it. I replied saying that's fine, do you still want to meet tonight? Nothing. For the rest of the night. Now I wouldn't mind, I'd assume maybe he flaked out at home and fell asleep, but I know he was on whatsapp for over an hour after I sent that text .... so he had free time to message me, but nothing?


I reallly don't get it. If he didn't want to meet why couldn't he at least make an excuse? Or if he did what the heck is going on?!

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I don't know what happened but I can tell you that noone is THAT busy that they can't send a text 'sorry, got caught up at work'. Not even the President. Cut your losses and move on.


Hi Missmarple, thanks for your reply.


Yeah, he's been online again this morning but nothing. It's his day off too, so he's obviously ignoring me. Just frustrates me he hasn't replied at all! Either saying he isn't interested, he's busy ect, I don't care just something! If I've not heard by him tonight with a good excuse I'm going to delete his number and forget about it. I really liked him too ..

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He ignores you because


1) he is trying to avoid unpleasantness and confrontation,

2) and sorry to say this, he does not really care about how you feel.


He knows ignoring you is rude, and does it any way.


It's time to let this go.


yeah, it's just confusing because we chatted on the phone for the 30 mins the previous day and he suggested we go out to eat in town, and when I text him earlier in the day he was fine. It's not the attitude of someone not interested.

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Well, my guess is he went out with some one else or he's nervous, don't get worked up about it, ask him to do some thing today. He's not your boyfriend he can cancel dates, i flaked out on my current gfand mines first date and really didn't talk to her for the weekend.

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Hi Missmarple, thanks for your reply.


Yeah, he's been online again this morning but nothing. It's his day off too, so he's obviously ignoring me. Just frustrates me he hasn't replied at all! Either saying he isn't interested, he's busy ect, I don't care just something! If I've not heard by him tonight with a good excuse I'm going to delete his number and forget about it. I really liked him too ..


This is the proper approach. Don't chase after people who don't reciprocate and ignore you.

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Well he text me yesterday afternoon, saying that he really likes me but sometimes he needs space, and that it isn't me so don't think it is! Then said I will call you in 15 minutes after my lunch. That was yesterday, not heard from him since.


Deleted his number and all contact details. I have no idea what is going on in his head and why he's stringing me along like this but it's bang out of order, I doubt he'll bother me again now so I guess that's that.

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Deleted his number and all contact details. I have no idea what is going on in his head and why he's stringing me along like this but it's bang out of order, I doubt he'll bother me again now so I guess that's that.


You did the right thing...and, in the future, don't fall for 'too busy to meet' excuses. They're almost always exactly that...excuses.

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You did the right thing...and, in the future, don't fall for 'too busy to meet' excuses. They're almost always exactly that...excuses.


Oh it's funny, I never even got an answer as to why he couldn't make it. This guy must hate me or have serious issues to string me along and get my hopes up like he has. Overall I'm just so disappointed in him. You chat and get on great with a person one minute, then the next it's like they had a personality transplant.

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His behavior is rude and you need to stop giving him chances to continue being rude. Once he made a plan for a date that late at night where you were supposed to meet and stay over that was a sign that he's not interested in dating you. If he wanted to date you he would have suggested meeting the next day to spend time together getting to know each other beyond being in bed together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can relate to this entirely. It shadows my own recent experience - so you are not alone. In fact, I've listened to the advice shared here and took action of my own. Unfortunately, I allowed it happen again and again and again...


Some people are just wired differently. I was surprised but we must try to keep our heads up. Good luck.

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