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questions about pregnancy


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hey all, this may be strange but im wondering just a couple things....just curious, lol. . .


do you start to have food cravings literally RIGHT AWAY?


when does morning sickness usually start? right away or when you're a few months into it?


and when i say right away, i mean like a day or a few days after having sex where you could be pregnant?


sorry this is weird, but any answers would be awesome and if you have any other facts you know, share them too! thank you everyone!

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No, for the most part food cravings do not start days after you conceive. Some women do not get food cravings at all. I did not. I had more food aversions. Everything I smelt or saw made me want to puke. Morning sickness is different for everyone. Mine started in the 8th week of pregnancy and never really abated until the last 2 months. I vomitted from the moment I got up until I went to bed. For most people the morning sickness ends at about 12 weeks when the placenta is fully functional and supporting the fetus' nutritional needs. Usually women have no clue that they are pregnant until they miss their period which makes you about 5 weeks pregnant. I did not realize that I was pregnant until my period was a week late. So your body will not have symptoms in a matter of days, it is impossible. I hope this helps you.

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The morning sickness wasn't that big of a deal for me. I think that I changed mentally and emotionally before I really had any physical changes. I was having trouble going to the bathroom. I would suggest to drink lots of water. I also had trouble taking the big pregnancy tablets, I recently found liquid multivitamins which I probably should have taken at the time. Also there are small folic acid tablet which you should take too.

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