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i need some advice before i do something ill regret.


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so...im considering self-harm. i cant talk to my friends or family for fear of disappointing them. i dont want to start, but i find myself becoming more and more tempted by the razor in the bathroom. im scaring myself, so i decided to post this on here because ive had good advice in the past. i really dont want to scar myself - and im not a fan of blood so i would freak out and not know how to deal with it once id made a cut. im wondering, are there any alternatives that wont harm me?????? please help!

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I am an ex cutter, I actually haven't cut myself in 6 months. When I use to cut myself it would feel good for the moment but later I felt like crap, or a waste of space. The next day I would go to class (I'm in college), and I would notice that everyone in my class room would stare at my arms, and it wasn't too long before all of my friends found out about my cutting. One of my best friends actually threatened me and said if I ever harmed myself again that should would never speak to me again and she proceeded to cry right in front of me. Basically what I'm trying to say is every time I would cut myself, it was as if I was also cutting all of my loved ones too. I'm pretty sure that the people who love you do not want you to harm yourself, and even though I don't even know you, I know that your body is really precious, and beautiful, so you shouldn't mark it up. My arms are going to be forever scarred and it's embarrassing but I use them as a reminder to never go back there. I hope you take my words of wisdom and don't harm yourself. I believe the best thing that you can do is talk to someone about your problems, that's what I started doing and so far it's worked

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I agree with the others.. you have to try really hard and NOT do it! Like Sk8ter ^. I've done that, back when I was your age.

It was wrong and when i was getting worse, I finally reached out to my mom.

She got me into psychiatric help right away.


I was so low and hated the world. Always so angry & confused.. etc. You're thinking about this probably because you are being challenged with something or a few things right now.. right? Don't look to 'release' it this way.


Go cry if you have to.. go for a walk.. write it out (get a journal) to write out your feelings.

You're not alone, okay... we're here too.


Take care... and go talk to mom or counsellor at school or something. You can get help with this.

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Just think of the consequences of you cutting. For me, a lot of my clothes are now unwearable like I have to wear leggings to go swimming. Summer has become my least favourite season. I'm always anxious about people seeing my thighs. Their is no way to cut without there being blood so if you're squeamish then don't do it. et an ice cube and rub it over your skin because it hurts a bit and you won't have to ruin your skin. just DON'T do it! Find out whats making you want to cut. I know you can't go see a counsellor, I have the same problem but just try to learn what's triggering these emotions. If you ever want to talk, just message me because I understand what you're going through and maybe I can help.

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