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Out of luck, can't compete


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I got out of a relationship about 4 weeks ago with a girl who was beautiful and we were going out for about 5 months. Anyway my problem now is comparing other girls I meet to this ex. None of them are close to her in the looks department at least and I fear that I lost one chick I was truly physically attracted too, the rest don't hold a candle to her.


Since the bar has been set so high now, I'm having girls not competing on par with her... I can't get over it, I feel I lost one of the most beautiful girls ever and will not be able find anyone to match her physical traits. I'm not shallow, her personality was great too, I don't think I'll do that good ever again!

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Well first thing that comes to mind is that she coudn't have bin that perfect for you, because otherwise you 2 would be together. Not to toot my own horn, but my ex brian felt the same way about me. he still feels the same way and we've bin broken up for almost a year now. But I recently hooked him up with a close friend of mine and they hit it off great. Trust me you will do as good, and better because you'll find someone that will click with u and there will be no need for a break up.[/b]

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If you two aren't together than she wasn't perfect and wasn't right for you. Eventually you'll find someone who is. Don't compare other girls looks or personality to her, focus on each girl separately. I'm sure that if you take the time to get to know these girls you will run into someone even more perfect for you and someone even more physically attractive. It takes time and patience but when you find the right girl it wil be worth it.

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