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Everything posted by bluedia103

  1. tell her she REALLY turns you on. And if you cum too soon, let her know that that's the reason, then take your time making her cum.
  2. I've been raised to respect myself and value my body. I'm not a prude. I'd love sex, but I think its a way to express a truly deep connection; you've gone beyond the mind and heart to the very soul. You want to become one. I only want to give it when I'm sure my feelings are reciprocated. I'm I just naive to think there's more to sex than recreation? Guys, is the goal of the game to get into her pants?
  3. Live your life and love it. Keep your eyes open through the hoops. If you were truly meant to be, then she will return to you. If not, the one who's out there for you must be so much more stellar! The bar is raised don't lower it, unless you want to.
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