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can't believe this one!!!


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Well I knew I was pregnant, but had this really awful backache yesterday. (I am 6 months pregnant) well the doctor has been thinking something really weird has been up cause baby has been losing and gaining weight.


Well it turns out that there are 2 babies!!!! One was in front of the placenta and the other behind, they were flipping sides so they could only ever see ne at a time on the sono. Not to mention they are both in the exact same position. So when they did a sono from both sides yesterday from tummy and back, they saw them both.


Well my husband just about died, and he is kinda really acting nervous/scared right now. Any ideas how I can calm him down??? And how in the world do you deal with just finding out after thinking you only had one baby to begin with.

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the typical reasoning is 'double the joy!' hehe Since there's two of you, there shouldn't be a problem..as long as you're willing to support & love the baby, you should be fine. And if you need more help, you could ask relatives to help babysit or something..depending on how close you are to them. Overall, lots of couples have twins, I think it's a very special gift because it's more unique, and your child will have someone to grow up with.


Good luck! Tell him you're both in it together, you will get through it!

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WOW!! Congrats!! That is a big shocker! God has definitely blessed you! It will be hard to adjust to the fact that you are going to have 2 new born babies at once, but if you can handle the fact that you are having one, then i think that you can handle 2. Just think, your twins will always have eachother, most twins that i know are best friends with eachother. they will always have someone to talk to and to share things with. I don't really have anything specific to help you deal with this wonderful blessing, ,other than accept it and be thankful for what god has provided you with. They are people that try their whole lifes to have one child and you are blessed with 2!!! Good luck with the whole situation.

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