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Tired of getting turned down for being short.


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I'm 5'4" and it seems like women are attracted to me until they find that out. I have met many online and they see my pics and we talk and things are cool but when they find out the height they are disappointed and things aren't the same. And women in person either don't take me seriously when I try to meet them or are interested in my taller friends.


Sucks......I give up.

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It is hard because most women want a man who can protect them that is why height is a issue reagrdless of how much money good looks or anything else plays out.


Sad but probably true. Sorry insomnia. I know it sucks not being able to get w/women (I'm not short but ugly) but guess that's just how life goes for some. I did have a classmate from college who was short and had a long-term g/f and is dating someone else now I believe. But in you age bracket it's probably a lot harder to find success.

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oy wlfpack


Someone on this site once said something very smart.


If you feel good looking/hansome/attractive, it will be shown in the way that you carry yourself, and theirfore, others will see you that way as well.



The geekist, ugliest guy in my grade has a g/f, all that means is that their is someone for everyone, and you are having trouble finding that person.


Good luck, to both of you guys!

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oy wlfpack


Someone on this site once said something very smart.


If you feel good looking/hansome/attractive, it will be shown in the way that you carry yourself, and theirfore, others will see you that way as well.



The geekist, ugliest guy in my grade has a g/f, all that means is that their is someone for everyone, and you are having trouble finding that person.


Good luck, to both of you guys!





for real does that work for both sexes?

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You say you are mainly dating online, and I think this might also be a problem. Maybe it's better to meet people in real life, so that you know directly how they respond to your height?


In the end, sweetie is right... the one that you are really looking for doesn't care about your height. She thinks you are perfect for her because of exactly who you are.



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ya this is what i also think, u should stop looking for someone online... thats true ilse u will find the girl that she will say that ur perfect.. it happened to me... and dont think that i fall in love with this guy because i didnt find anyone else.. im one of the most popular girls in my school, and i fall in love with a shorty... so wait, u will find someone that will always be there for u, no matter how ugly or short u r=)




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Online dating usually doesn't work, but it can. If you want to look for potentials online, do it as a backup - don't solely meet girls over the internet and replace meeting girls the conventional way. If you have qualms about your height, then go for girls in person who are shorter than you. There are plenty out there that are 5'3" and shorter.


Remember that people are actually much more likely to be shallow online upon seeing a picture - because that's all they could go by. At least in person they can see how you interact with others and carry yourself in general.

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It's true, I know most girls want the "tall, dark and handsome" type. They want a tall guy to feel protected. But I think there is someone for everyone out there. At least by going for someone shorter than he is, there's a higher probability she won't mind than a girl who's 5'7". I think a guy can really compensate for this (and any other shortcoming) by displaying other qualities that girls are attracted to, like confidence and sense of humor..


Speaking of sense of humor - if you can make a joke of the height in a funny, laid-back way, that makes you seem more attractive. That makes you look like you could care what others think of your height, and when a girl sees this, it's likely she'll become more dran to you.

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I know I am a girl, but I am 5 zero... yep that's darn short and you know what? I have never once had a problem being short ever. Infact, you can use it to your advantage. Your first prob, your dating online... go out and meet people. Short people, provided that they are in good athletic condition usually are most attractive... Compact body frame, yields a compact body that is easy to get tight and buff looking with a minimal amout of consistant effort. So go out to to a local church event or sporting event or whatever and strut your stuff! I bet you look great in a form fitting short sleeved black or white t-shirt (gap is a good palce to get somthing like that)

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I wouldn't worry about it! I dated a short guy and I didn't care. His personality stood out and that's what mattered most to me. I did have to pick shorter heels to wear around him, but I did it so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable with me. Short, tall, it's all the same to me. So long as he has a good heart, sees the same in me, then nothing else matters. Good luck to you! You'll find yourself a good lady one day! Just wait and see!!



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Mackanzel, this is about short GUYS, not short girls. There is a difference in how society treats the two groups. Most men are willing to accept short and medium-height girls. So it's the tall girls who should feel disadvantaged but there are always many taller men around who will take them. But most short girls want a guy who is at least 4-5 inches taller than she is. So if you're a short girl and you've been successful, good for you! But that really does nothing for our morale because it's not the same thing at all.

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