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Ok, giving her one more shot, which is tommorow. Please help

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Ok, Im with the same girl, that I always write about, things have always been weird between us, I tried fixing them, it seemed to help, now, its going back to the way it was. Dont get me wrong, I still really, really like my gf, I hate do this, but I think it will be better, and we could remain friends. Heres my plan, tomorrow were going on a fieldtrip, got to go see some stuff, then for luch we get to roam around the city and go get fast food (wow, they must really trust 113, 16 and 17 yearolds eh?) IM going to try and hangaround her as much as I can, especially during lunch, if she seems to not notice me again, and talk to only her friend, IM just going to say, "Ashley can I talk to you about something, Ok, we were really good off as friends, I really like you, But this isnt working out good, I thought it would, but we only seem like friends, maybe were not right for eachother, everything is too akward, How about we go back to the way it was before", and then leave. I dont thik she wants to get anymore serious, everytime I try to, she keeps it at the same level, She makes it so hard, I CANT EVEN KISS HER, i dont think anytime is a good time to try. so liek i said, I dont want to do this, I really like her, this hurts just thinking about it, but maybe its better off for both of us, cuz I dont know how she feels about "our relationship", anybody got and suggestions or comments? thanks in advance, Josh.

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I think this is a good idea. It's NOT supposed to be this hard, trust me! You'll find a girl probably pretty fast with a much better and more fun attitude, who can hold a conversation with you and actually pay attention to you. I've been following your posts for a while, so that's why this is my opinion.

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I don't think you should think of it as your first relationship. This really wasn't a relationship, because she didn't participate much in it. Think of it as your "first shot" at a relationship, and instead of thinking of it as bad, think of it in the way that it just didn't turn out how you expected.


Trust me, when you do find yourself in your first REAL relationship, you will be amazed at the difference!

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