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lol rite on shysoul!

but honestly. i think its not just how the butt looks. its about how the butt matches the breasts as well. the ratio has to be right. u canT have a huge rack and nothing downtown or vice versa u knw wat im sayin?

peronally, i dont like em too big size 1-3 would be about jus right.

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Shysoul trust me, If there's one person that agrees with you for liking a gifl for who she is, it's me.


The thing is, we're speaking of a situation where if you saw a girl in a magazine or on the street would u find her attrative if she had a nice butt like J-Lo or was flat and sickly looking as Paris Hilton? That's all.

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lol rite on shysoul!

but honestly. i think its not just how the butt looks. its about how the butt matches the breasts as well. the ratio has to be right. u canT have a huge rack and nothing downtown or vice versa u knw wat im sayin?

peronally, i dont like em too big size 1-3 would be about jus right.


well considering the boobs and butt is made of fat, and fat is usually distributed pretty much in proportion means that a girl can rarely have large boobs but small behind or vice versa.


Volumptious girls all the way

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Angelus, good to hear you like the girl for who she is.


The thing is, I can't relate to the situation. I don't pay attention to a girls physical appearance. All of the people I consider attractive, I think that way because of their personality and who they are. Once I see that, then I will be more likely to notice them physically. It won't matter what kind of butt they have, I'll be inclined to find the whole package attractive. Personally, I don't care much for J-Lo or Paris' personality and thus I don't notice there butts at all. I know its a different way of thinking and I'm not going to get alot of people who think that way, but thats the way I am.

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