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I don't know what to do!


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Went on this interview, everything seemed to go well. Lady offers me one of two positions, i pick the latter, the HR rep. said she will email that same day about when to start the 3 day training. I get home, no email, next day (which is today) no email. I feel like i am going crazy, i have checked my inbox over 7 times in the past 2 days waiting for this stupid email, even considered emailing the lady and being like, "So, did i get the job or what?".


I understand, they are running a company and they could be busy, the other thing that bothers me is that my phone died that same day and i am worried that the lady called me or texted me instead. There are so many nerves in play here, should i keep looking and going on interviews or should i just wait on this blasted email which may or may not ever arrive.


Every other job which has accepted me made me come in the very next day to start training, am i missing something here, did she talk about me with her college and then decide that i wasn't the right fit after the interview? Why would she offer me the position to begin with in the first place, this is why i hate dealing with women (no offense) because i am very gullible and liable to believe everything they say at face value.


The other day i was on an interview with a man and he was very straight forward with me, explained i had no experience and would have to start me off at a little bit above minimum wage, i understood things didn't go well at the interview so i wasn't expecting a call back. But now with this other company, i just don't understand these social cues. How can i tell if they are lying or not, or rather did i get the job?

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its too late, i called and they were being all weird with me. First they asked why i was calling, then they asked who i was, then after i gave that information (that i was calling to follow up on an interview) they said that she couldn't come to the phone, i'm not sure if that's office politics or what, but i'm not holding my breath for this one. I'm going to just keep looking and stay with what my gut was telling me. At least i feel more comfortable about where i stand with this people rather than just waiting in the dark for the unknown. If someone says they will email me that same day and then doesn't, well they were obviously lying about that, which means that they were probably lying about other things as well.

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