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I have been with my boyfriend for a year. Most of the time we fight because I do not trust him especially since he recently moved out of state. I thought being far wouldn't be so bad. Lately though we have been breaking up over and over. MOst of the time its because all we have right now is communication especially on the phone. Some nights though he doesn't call and seeing that he has cheated on me before, it gets me to start wondering where he is at. He knows that I will be mad because he does not call so the next day he wont call until late and then just saying "Hey, whats up? Like nothing happened. At first I would let it go because I knew I would still be with him but lately it has all got to me. So now I ask him why he did not call and how can he act so casual when all I ask is that he call and just talk to me for a few minutes. Well he gets mad yells and curses me. This in turn makes me cry then we end up breaking up because I start crying he says that I am to childish when I cry and somehow turns it around like its my fault breaks up with but makes it as though I hurt him. "phew" This happens over and over agaun. Oh I forgot half the time we dont communicate because he gets angry hangs up and wont pick his phone back up. Well just the other day he did this again so I gave him time to cool. I called two days later because I am tired of him just popping up when he wants to talk and I needed to know if it was really over so I could move on. He told me yes that he was too tired of taking me back and that I was always going to be a child. I want to know if I should take this serious and move on or really what should I do.

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I think you should just stay broken up with this guy. Why do you want to be in a relationship that makes you cry so much? You should not allow him to call you childish either, that is disrespectful.


I think you would be SO much more happier if your boyfriend was in your same town. Long distance is tough and it is apparent that this relationship wasn't built for it.


A relationship should make you feel happy and not cause so much strain.

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nica900, I agree with the others, leave this guy alone. He's tired of this, and I think so are you.


heal and get better, and then go out and find a nice guy who will appreciate you, not curse and yell at you, and be a good boyfriend to you.


I hope you feel better soon.

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Sometimes ldrs just don't work out. Mine worked out fine because I am trusting enough, I know that I'm going to live in the same state as her, and we can talk for hours on end.


Let's recap, you don't trust him, you can't handle being far away like this, and you keep breaking up, stay away from this guy; he has no respect for you and no regarde for your feelings. Guys like that turn out to be beaters.

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i haven't slept in 22 hours so I think I'm going a little insane.. but


a relationship where people cannot avoid breaking up, heart ache, crying, fighting, etc., and where they cannot avoid hurting each other's feelings or doubting each other isn't a healthy relationship whether it's LDR or not.


... again, i might not be thinking straight right now.

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Thanks everyone for the advice. It really helps to have this seen in other peoples perspectives. AS of right now I am still crying but with ur advice I hope I can move on and let him go. Its hard when u are with someone for so long and you get used to having them around. But I guess it would be better if we let go. Thanks everyone.

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  • 1 year later...

hey. i know how you feel. but when you said you guys broke up becuz you were crying and and stuff and he told you that you were childish becuz you were crying. gurl, don't ever take that from a guy. never apoligize for you emotions either. and if he gets angry for you crying then he is not the one for you. he should be supportive and be a man about it. i think you should really move on.

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