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In what way is he attracted to me?


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Hey everyone,


There is a guy I go to school with and I met him a few weeks ago. He texts me everyday (he almost always texts me first, saying "hey" or "how are you") and he already told me that he REALLY likes me. We've hungout 4 times and we're taking things slow, we've talked a lot to eachother about deep things and funny things, and we've only made out a couple of times, and he keeps talking about how much he liked it.

But, I'm confused.

When we first started talking, he mentioned taking me on a date to see a movie, which never happened. He hasn't mentioned a date again yet, but I KNOW he likes me...he constantly texts me and wonders where I am/what I'm doing. Now, I'm the one who has to ask him to hangout. And he isn't very pushy...I think he expects me to take charge of the relationship but I'm not that type of person (I'm introverted). But he loves hanging out with me. My friend said he's just very shy...but I don't think so because he texts me things like "I want you" and other stuff. We also haven't seen eachother ONCE in school because I'm too lazy to ask him to meet up somewhere and he's asked me once but we're both pretty busy. But he specifically said he WANTS to see me in school, so it's definitely not an embarrassment thing.

Anyway, I don't know whether I should continue pursuing this or if it's not worth my time. Any advice? Thanks!

P.S.- it might sound like he just wants to have intercourse, but I know that's not the deal. I already told him I'm not that type of girl and he said he really liked and respected that.

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