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I want to move & start over! Am I nutz?


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Ok, here's the thing. For many years I have had the desire to just up and move. Rent a u-haul, take my little bit of savings and just start over somewhere, anywhere as long as it's at least several states away from Ga.


I'm from a small town in south ga, born and raised. The mentality here is ugggg! People are judgemental (think bible belt). I'd like to start over in a midsize town north of here. I was thinking Ky, WV, or Va?? But I am open. I would love to see mountains. But I know nobody and have nothing to even go on. I realize that life is life wherever you are, but I want to see a different setting, experience a different climate, different people, a different life altogether.


Does anyone else ever think about just packing up and starting over? I was almost to the point of doing it when I met my current bf. I fell in love and decided to stick it out here, but the itch is still there. He has no intent on leaving, which is a huge consideration of course. But I'm mainly wondering if I'm out there for thinking about leaving???


What do you think? Thanks.

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I think that if you move away, that you will be discovering yourself like you never imagined. It's an amazing experience! Be prepared for the change as some people have a very hard time with change, thereforeeee they never leave home.


I say go for it! But I know it'll be hard for your b/f. But this is not about him, it's all about you!


Have you ever heard of Che? I forget his full name, but he is a famous political leader or something of that nature in South America. There's a movie about him called The Motorcycle Diaries. Awsome movie...with subtitiles. He left with a friend and traveled all throughout South America. The movie is all about self discovery and his experiences. Traveling will give you all that and more.

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I feel exactly the same way!!!!!!!!!!! I am for sure going to leave Vancouver and move to Calgary or New Zealand, because the cost of living is so much cheaper. In Calgary, one can still buy brand new three bedroom homes with hot tubs and a basement for only $150,000!!!! Also, I really don't like a lot of the people I here in Vancouver, so I am desparate to move and get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But of course being in a relationship is hard....have you talked with your boyfriend about moving? WOuld he ever support the idea? Discuss it with him and see what he thinks about it!!!

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I can relate to how you feel, and although I am not moving away permanently, I am going to New Zealand for up to 12 months as of February 17th 2005! I can't wait!


If you've read any of my posts, you might know a bit about my story. Well back in July my ex dumped me because she wanted to be free and single, etc. Previous to this, we had discussed the idea of doing some travelling while we were still young, but she was less enthusiastic than me for various reasons (money, new job, didn't want to leave her mum, etc).


Anyway, a couple of months ago I thought "why not?" and went ahead and booked up via link removed. It has diverted my attention away from my ex, and I have been working so hard to earn money to pay for it! But I will meet so many different people, and make so many new friends...I think travelling/spreading your wings is a great thing.


I live in a pretty dull place in the north of England, and so many people around here are exactly the same, i.e. they just stay here their whole lives! I don't want to fall into that trap. Sure I'll miss my family a lot while I'm away, but I'm not ruling out the idea of living their permanently at some stage.


"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -- St. Augustine


Good luck...



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You will never know what is out there unless you go! I have done this twice. Picked up and started over in Colorado, then picked up and started over again elsewhere. No, it's not easy, but the adventure has been worth it. I have discovered things about myself that I never, ever would have known had I stayed in my hometown. I have lived in big cities and small towns, and I have very few things to complain about!


If you are in a position to do it, I say you mount up and head out!


If your b/f isn't willing to go, or maybe you don't want him to, then just do it on your own. If he is willing to go, and you want him to, then the two of you head out. Just be sure he isn't doing it FOR YOU. If things go sour, then he will try to blame you for moving him, and you don't want that added headache.


Let us know what you ultimately decide! And, if you keep computer access, let us know how things are going!!

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I moved states after a messy breakup with a girl, and while my personal experience wasnt the best, as Im now moving back, I'd say you are far from crazy. Everybody wants toi get out on there own at some point in some way. As long as you c an do it without being rash in your decisions, and plan it out properly, I dont forsee it being an isue...good luck

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Hi Breea,


I've lived all throughout Canada and have traveled to many places outside of Canada. I also have many friends who travel extensively. I also appreciate meeting travelers from all around the world and love showing them my hometown of Vancouver. I just think that it's a great way for self discovery. Many people are doing what you long to do.


Advice: Be prepared!!!!!! Be okay with change. Meet as many new people as you can.


Good luck and please keep us posted!

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I haven't actually done it but I know the feeling of wanting to pick up and start all over someplace far, far away. The world is a big place and there are countless opportunites out there for us to grab onto. You never know what you could find unless you take a chance. I figure one of two things will happen. One, you will settle down some place you really enjoy and be happy with your new life. Or else you will grow homesick and come back realizing that your old life wasn't as bad as you once thought. But you'll come back a better person for all the sights you've seen, people you have meet, and experiences you have had. You'll have discovered new things about the world around you and, more importantly, about yourself. I say, follow your heart and do what you feel is best for you.

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I HATE Vancouver!!!!! I am leaving this awful city for good!!!!!!!!!!!!


"I've lived all throughout Canada and have traveled to many places outside of Canada. I also have many friends who travel extensively. I also appreciate meeting travelers from all around the world and love showing them my hometown of Vancouver."

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