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Should I talk to him???? Advice please!


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Hi everyone,


There is a guy who I met at the beginning of this summer. He lived about an hour from my house so I only got to visit him about 4 times the whole summer, but I stayed the night. We never had intercourse but did pretty much everything else to some extent. We never dated because he would be moving to another state at the end of the summer. We talked a lot and got along VERY well, he even cried (and I didn't cry lol) when I had to leave one time because he said he never felt so attached to someone and I had something special. But something about him screamed PLAYER to me, and I KNEW that, that's why I never got attached to him (that's why I didn't cry when I had to leave haha) I didn't allow myself to get too close to him, but he really opened up to me. He even said if I got a boyfriend in the future he would still always want to talk to me. Don't get me wrong, he liked me a LOT. He gave me a few special things of his and I gave him some special things of mine so we could remember each other.

Anyway, I have this weird thing with guys that when I like them a lot, I avoid and push them away. I end up liking them so much that I don't like them, if that makes sense. So at the end of the summer he moved to another state, and I told him (acting stupidly out of impulse) that I didn't want him to talk to me anymore. He then got slightly offended but easily stopped talking to me (was it easy for him? I think he actually got very offended). Then I sent an apology video that was slightly sassy, and he never replied. That was a while ago.

So for the past few weeks I've not been able to stop thinking of this person, and don't know what to do. I want to talk to him, but my stubbornness and rationality is keeping me from doing so. SHOULD I TALK TO HIM??? Please respond, I would like to see others' opinions.

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You told him you didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Then you sent an apology video.

Now, you want to contact him again, as he didn't respond.


I think he probably thinks you are a bit of a flake. And, he's moved. So there is no point in contacting him.


This. I would have Crazy Train as your ring tone on my phone so as to know not to answer it.

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