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I just spoke to my ex-fiancee on the phone. We hadn't spoken in five months, because we've both been very hurt, and it's taken us a long time to heal from this... however, I called, and she answered the phone.


We talked, and she seemed kind of... sad. She didn't get very excited about anything, like she usually does, and the conversation was interrupted by silence a few times (luckily, I had it under control... she's the one that seemed a bit awkward). She was nice. Didn't talk about anything deep, and I could tell she wasn't quite herself... but we actually talked. She seemed like she really wanted to try talking to me...


So... could it be a GOOD thing that she acted this way? Could it mean that her feelings for me aren't completely gone? She DID answer the phone (and knew it was me). She could have easily ignored me.


I guess I expected a happy and enthusiastic conversation. It wasn't sad or anything, but it wasn't what I expected or hoped it would be. Maybe it was a *good* thing that she seemed sad. I feel like beating myself up over it, but what can I expect from our first conversation since the break-up? Maybe I'm expecting too much and should just give it time.


The more time that goes by, the more I realise I can live without her, yet also... the more I realise she was probably the only princess that will be in my life. I don't hurt like I did before, but she's still on my mind... she's still number one.... and I know what we had was worth it.


I know THREE girls who have crushes on me right now. I just don't feel it for them... luckily, at least I have people in my life right now I can fall back on, who can support me.


This attempt at reconciliation could be difficult. But it's nothing like the break-up was... and in my heart I feel it's worth a try.

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I guess I expected a happy and enthusiastic conversation. It wasn't sad or anything, but it wasn't what I expected or hoped it would be. Maybe it was a *good* thing that she seemed sad. .quote]


I really hate to be the guy to ask, but was it reasonable to think she would be really happy? You were going to get married, it's none of my business as to what ended it. But marriage is the eternal bonding of your lives. She won't just heal like that, and move on, and be your best happiest, most enthusiastic friend right now, and sadly, maybe ever.


I'm sorry things didn't work out. good luck with everything

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The first conversation was probably awkward for her. I think you did expect to much, if you thought she was going to be all excited. She was probably wondering what you wanted and why and all that stuff. She's probably confused..i don't know your situation of why you all broke up. I wish you the best..take it one day at a time...time will tell if you are meant to be back together or not.

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some more backgroudn on the relationship and break up would be essential to decide whats goin on. but im feelin ya man, i called my ex on thanksgivin to wish her a good one..and it was the first tiem we heard each others voices in awhile but i sounded happy as can be..and she like ur ex sounded kinda down. i expected a more happy and casual chat at least..since she is kinda loud person haha, so that threw me off as to why she would sound liek that. i cant really tell you why she sounded liek taht..she broek up with me in my situation so thats what kinda got to me too..i expected a more happier her you could say. either way dont read into it too much cause it could be that she jsut felt awkard or soemthin i dunno..or they could actaully miss us..which would be good for us

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I know she's been through a lot. We both have. She broke up with me, and at the time, for months even, I felt it was killing me. I didn't seem so bad for her. She was able to be happy long before I was...


I guess I just assumed that, if I could look back on the good times and carry on a happy, enthusiastic conversation right now, maybe she could too...

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The first conversation was probably awkward for her. I think you did expect to much, if you thought she was going to be all excited. She was probably wondering what you wanted and why and all that stuff. She's probably confused..i don't know your situation of why you all broke up. I wish you the best..take it one day at a time...time will tell if you are meant to be back together or not.


That really means a lot to me. Thank you.


At least I was prepared for the conversation. She had no idea I was going to call. If she had called me out of the blue like that, to be honest, I probably would have let it ring and called back later.

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yeah true you knew you were gonna call so im sure ya made sure you dialed her number after a few times of thinkin bout it! either way..g luck to you..and hopefully she was sad to hear from you. if its first tiem since the break up that she has heard ur voice..im sure it got to her. adn jsut remember..they dotn have to answer if they dont want to..take that in consideration too

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some more backgroudn on the relationship and break up would be essential to decide whats goin on.


We were extremely close and loved each other very much. I've never seen anything so passionate, actually. It was a dream for both of us... for a while.


Then, well, I was dealing with depression and a sleeping disorder, and I wasn't at all myself. It made me extremely grumpy and irritable. She was very delicate, and I hurt her. I said some things I can't imagine ever saying to anyone now, especially not . That's pretty much what broke us up. A lot of negativity towards her, and bringing her down... which was too much for her... especially given how much she loved me, and how I had vowed to always love and respect her...


That's all in the past now, though. It's something I've dealt with, and learned from. It doesn't seem like me anymore.

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I dont really think its a good sign,


I would do the same thing that she did if my ex called me, and thats not because i want to be back with her that because i'm still mad at her for what she did to me


I hope its not the case for you but it might be



She has every right to be angry at me. I'm sure she still is at some level. But she didn't sound angry. She just sounded sad.


She sounded like she was trying to and wanted to have a good conversation with me. (And she wouldn't answer the phone if she didn't want to talk...). She was trying to bring up good topics to talk about... she just seemed to find it difficult. There were pauses. Not much flow. But she was trying... and she just sounded a bit sad.

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