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How can I make him still want me in the future?

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Hey everyone,


Question change: Why don't guys want to date me? Why haven't I had a relationship yet?


I'm a 17 year old girl, tall, thin, and I've been told by MANY people that I'm "goddess beautiful with a perfect body" I don't believe them necessarily because I've never believed in narcissistic values. But when I walk into a room, people stare for long periods of time, so I must be a little pretty at least. BUT, I'm really quiet. I'm not really shy, because I'm not afraid to talk to people or speak out in a group of people, but I just spend a lot of time observing scenes and trying to figure out people. I'm really good at deciphering emotions, and making close friends who love me so much that they cry over me sometimes, but I am not good at making aquaintences. A few people have told me that I'm intimidating, but I don't understand that because I'm not pushy or loud. My friends tell me it's because I'm really intelligent AND pretty so that really intimidates people.

ANYWAY, I've NEVER had a boyfriend. I've been hit on before, but I usually deny it because either a) the guy is unattractive physically or personality b) they just want to have intercourse with me and are not interested in dating.

I MEAN DO I COME OFF AS A SEX OBJECT because I feel like I only get hit on for my body. I don't dress that revealingly and I take pride in my academic intelligence, and I'm nice to people, so why hasn't anyone wanted to date me?

Thanks so much!

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I'm assuming the boys you would be interested in are no older than 17 or 18 and that is an age when teen hormones are raging and the young men out there are looking for some sort of sexual experience (not necessarily sex, but making out and hitting some of the bases would be assumed). You have good looks and intelligence, which I am sure some of the boys your age are intimidated by. What you need to do is to continue to be yourself and continue to stick to your morals and you will eventually meet someone who likes you for you and instead of being intimidated by your looks and intelligence, finds them captivating and delightful.

No rush, you have plenty of time for dates.

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Go for a guy that isn't "hot" because as much as you may want to think even if they are very good looking they can be the kindest most perfect person you've ever met, and with that personality you actually forget their looks entirely and love them inside and out for who they are

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