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well it's been about 3 weeks since me and mah ex broke up all b/c of her sister finding out and told her 2 break up w/ me... whole situation is in mah 1st post... well i had dreams about her and in a few of them in which she came back 2 me... but then i woke up and reality hit that she isnt w/ me... well last night and 2day mah parents been arguing and fighting (not physically) and on top of missing my ex and this i decided to call her work b/c her sister took her cell phone away... we talked for like 2 mins and i told her the situation and i dunno but i knew mah parents would resolve things but i used that as an excuse 2 call her... we had pauses in tha conversation and she talked a little and then said she had some work 2 do.... so i ended by saying call me back if u want to or whenever... and said bye... i kept NC for a good amount of time now... but it gets harder... any advice... should i let her call me and not try 2 call her...

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Well the first problems seems to be her sister tring to control her life, and whom she dates, which can never be a good thing. Im sure it is hard for her as well so you have to understand that too. I would wait and see if she calls you, before you call her. I know its hard to not pick up the phone and call her everytime you think about her, but you have to set limits for yourself not to get hurt anymore in this situation. Time is everything hun. Take a lil time to think about everything that has happened with her. Maybe you should try having a talk with her sister, tell her sister how you feel about her and what she is doing to the relationship your tring to have with her sister. If this girl really really loved you then nobody would come between you, nobody would have made her break up with you.

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