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Go for it or not?

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Looking for some advice on a weird situation. There is a girl at work that I'd really like to ask out, not sure if its the best idea or not. First thing first, I work with her. It always seems to be a bad situation to start with. I've never dated a co worker before but from others I know that have about half of them ended up pretty sour.


Next, she hangs out with a good friend of mine quite a bit, and they claim that nothing is between them, which I believe when she talks about it, but not so sure when he does. He tends to keep things to himself quite a bit, and I really don't want to hurt him in any way. He's not well in the health department, and with out going into details, its bad and I know he may not be around a whole lot longer. I would hate to start dating her if he's hung up on her. The last thing he needs is a broken heart on top of everything else.


On the other hand I really don't want to miss out on anything. I've know her for quite some time, and we really click together well. We are, along with a few other friends, a close knit group. It would be wonderful to hook up with her, since all the the other guy's girlfriends are in the 'clik' but not sure if I should take the risk or not.


A little backround on me and my relationship history. I've never had any problems asking any other girl out, save this one. I did have about a five year relationship through and after highschool, and was the best one I've had. Past that I've had a few semi-serious relationships ranging from about 6months to a little over a year. I never really 'loved' anyone but my highschool sweetie, nor have I ever thought I would with the other relationships. This girl I could see it as possible.

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she hangs out with a good friend of mine quite a bit, and they claim that nothing is between them, which I believe when she talks about it, but not so sure when he does.
Hmm..I'd be very careful. Especially because:


#1. She's a co-worker.

2. Your bud might like her as well.


Sounds like they share a strong bond. The best way to approach this situation, is to ask your friend if he does truly have any feelings for her. If he does, then you have your answer. I'd also be careful about the casual friendship thingy. First of all, that's how romances start off: friendship. However, in some cases, people of the oppossite sexes can maintain platonic relationships. But, once those feelings develop, that bond is really hard to break. thereforeeee, ask him first. It's better that way. You'll have a more clear and definite answer. It will save a lot of heartaches in the end.

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