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Someone like Daddy?

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Know how there's that cliche out there that girls like guys who are like thier fathers? Well I was wondering how many of you thought that was true? I know I dated a guy who was like my father but it was horrible. I went for someone with all my father;s worst traits. I realized that I would never date someone like him again, but if I could find someone as wonderful as my grandfather, I;d be the happiest girl in the world

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I didn't get to know my father for that long. He passed away when I was young, but in some ways, I would like my sig. other to possess qualites like my dad's. I never knew my grandfather, so I can't pinpoint any qualities in him. Basically, any guy who helps me to be more of me, and helps me to realize that there are still some decent guys out there, then I would be happy too. I think I've been too jaded for soo long. I wish I could run into someone who is refreshing, someone who will help me to realize that this world isn't full of cold hearted people and liars. I thought I found what I wanted a long time ago, but it's just my fate. Oh well..When the right person comes, I will know. There are lots of nice guys out there, but only a few who I personally can bond with. So, I look for the bond. I really can't remember other things about my dad, other than the fact that he was really patient, quiet, had a big heart, and respected people in general.

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hey. well my dad is an amazing character, and i only dated one guy, and my first childhood love both of them had a lot of similar characteristics to my dad but they were different. i personally think i would definitely look fo someone like my dad because we're like best friends. even my friends love him, hes just so funny and cool. my first childhood love was like my dad in the funny, smart, cautious, popular kind of guy. my first bf, now my ex, however the relationship was AMAZING not even one fight, he was like my dad in being very vain, love gambling lol, not the romantic but has a very big heart, as well as being a leo lol. so i think i will always look for people who resemble my father because my father is amazing. however i do believe that even if my dad was not the best character i would look for those characterisitics because they would be what i think are suppose to make a man-a man. i think generally speaking the saying is true, ofcourse there are exceptions and if the father figure wasnt the best, after a couple relationships that didnt work out, you would look for new things. but generally i think its true.

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