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Lame dating question, but I don't know the answer.

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So I met this girl from an online dating site, and I'm definitely interested, and she's clearly interested too. Our meeting went well, and when we parted ways, we both agreed to meet up again. She suggested to see each other again the following week and I agreed. She texted me the next day and asked when I was available. I gave her dates and we agreed on a date, then she said lets do dinner. I feel like this is a dumb question.. but I'm not very experienced in lesbian dating. Who pays? Or do we split the bill? But I feel like splitting seems cheap. We are both femme, and for some reason I'm most worried about who is paying for the date, it seems ridiculous lol. I'm guessing it's whoever asked who should pay, and I feel like it's more her who asked me, but at the same time It was kind of mutal. When the bill comes, how do we even discuss the topic?


Also if she does happen to pay, I've though about some cute things we could do after dinner. If she pays, should I just let her lead the night, or still make my suggestion? Or would that interfere with what she has planned?

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*Since she did the inviting*

When the bill comes let her pick it up to read it and then when she does, say: "What do I owe" then let her lead. Make sure you have money on you in case she actually tells you your portion owing. Done!


If she says she's paying for it, then you can reciprocate next time or with other things you might do after dinner.

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if someone offers to pay, always have cash. sometimes you also need to say, "I have cash. what do I owe?" instead of waiting for them to ask. I also think it's appropriate to say, "let me pay for the drinks" or "dessert is on me." or get the bill next time

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