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I suck at kissing!!!

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Ok, now that I have a bf! it has been official.. well the other day.. I went over to his place and we ended up in his bedroom kissing... more like more then kissing.. anyways! I suck at kissing like becuase I don't know how to!! it was nice "the time we spend together" but I really suck at kissing!! any tips, I tried to get my mind of it when I was kissing but that hard when you are lying on a bed!! any hepl would be nice!!

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Being good at kissing usually comes with a bit of practice. Don't be too soft, don't be too rough, don't be too dry, don't be too wet. Of course this doesnt always apply, sometimes we can enjoy really soft kissing, and sometimes mad rough passionate kissing.


When u kiss the guy see how he uses his tongue and do the same back to him. Try just stroking his tongue with yours in a nice rythem. It really should come naturally with time.

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Being good at kissing usually comes with a bit of practice. Don't be too soft, don't be too rough, don't be too dry, don't be too wet. Of course this doesnt always apply, sometimes we can enjoy really soft kissing, and sometimes mad rough passionate kissing.


When u kiss the guy see how he uses his tongue and do the same back to him. Try just stroking his tongue with yours in a nice rythem. It really should come naturally with time.


I disagree. I don't want to be kissed any one way. Sometimes I enjoy lots of quick pecks, sometimes I like it when our tongue play a game of tag meeting and quickly retreating, sometimes I like it when she presses her lips hard to mine, and we tongue wrestle, sometimes I like kisses sloppy and wet. Do what you feel like doing, and enjoy it.


Otherwise, I would copy him a bit, which is good advice.


Also, sometimes fight his attempts to kiss you or kiss you hard. Sometimes, tell him to kiss you hard or "like you mean it". others jsut go kiss him hard.


Variety is the spice of life.

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Follow his lead is a good one. Brush your teeth, use mouth wash, floss!!


Some people who are in experienced, put their tongue out and that is it or poke it in and out, which is weird! You are trying to tickle the other persons tongue to make them more excited...



Don't hold your breath -- that is really weird too, the person may think that they are going to suffocate you...

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sort of follow his lead. I usually lead, though. first I like to start slow, by kissing the guy's upper lip- long and passionately, then sort of give a little tongue for a seconds and then kiss the lips again. but sometimes you want to give more tongue and alternate. kissing is like dancing. it's not always the same- soemtimes really nice and hard or with soft kisses. but don't suck face or give tonsel hockey- your tongue should gently round witht he other person's tongue.

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