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Advice for working a 2nd shift?

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I guess the shifts vary depending on your job but I categorize 2nd shift from anywhere from 4pm to 3am. Around those hours.


I have no clue.


Will I have a social life? This forces me not to get out because everything will be closed, but forces me to sleep until around 2pm. I've been staying up around 4 - 5am.


Just curious on the best way to live around this schedule of work.

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Best rule of thumb is, if you can get by on your current wages then don't get a second shift.

Focus on education and building your career, not working more "shift" hours since thats not going to do you any good.

Your goal/aim should be earning more money by working less hours which means getting higher paid jobs.

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how can shift hours not do you any good....? sometimes you have to take what you can get until you reach your career goal...



what days will you be working? For a while i had no social life working third shift...pretty much slept and went to school during the day work at night..repeat....if your going to be working m-f....you still have Friday and Satuday to go out...most of my friends rarely go out during the week anymore

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how can shift hours not do you any good....?


Hes asking about a second shift and is worried about his social life which implies 2 things, the hours are going to be long (with the both of them added together since hes worried about his social life suffering) and that his current jobs is obviously not the best job in the world (since hes thinking of taking on another shift)


So from that we can conclude that hes probably going to need to finish his higher education sometime to move onto his career instead of doing shift jobs all his life, hows he going to do that if hes stuck doing shift work all day and night?


Like I said, doing long hours with low pay is BAD, getting higher education, pursuing your career so you can earn a lot of money for very few hours worked is good so focus on that, not shift work.


In addition, if hes working until 5am then its obviously going to damage his health, another downside of shift work, try avoid graveyard shifts at all costs, human body are not made to be nocturnal even if you get 8 hours of sleep during the morning-afternoons.

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.Sorry, I didn't mean a second shift... I meant, middle shift. The morning shift (1st) middle shift (2nd), and overnight shift (3).


My hours are 5pm to 2am. Full time.


I'm just wondering what people do. Most people who work this time frame are probably work at a bar or something but I'm not.

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I work in healthcare with similar hours. I'll work 8 and 12 hour shifts, and I always clock out at 7 in the morning.


Working more than 8 hour shifts allows me to get my 40 hours in so I don't have to come to the hospital as much. Right now, I just got off work after working for the past 4 nights, so now I get 3 nights off in a row. It's nice if you're able to do that.


Regardless, I still can go out and stuff during the week. Just not as much. I sleep til 2pm and then get up and either do chores, go to class (if I'm taking one), or I see friends before I go to work. I admit, I MOSTLY do social stuff on the weekends but I can still do some stuff on the week.


I'd say my social life is better now than when I was unemployed because my time is limited, it forces me to plan ahead. I end up fitting in a lot of stuff now.


Honestly, keeping most of your social activities to the weekends is pretty common for full timers, even those who work during the day.

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you can still have a social life..go to work 2nd and third shift ..i did it for 4 years..and then when something better came along i jumped on it...now i work 8-5...its not the end of the world...you just have to change things around a little...


all that stuff about not being healthy and were not ment to be up at night time that late.. i said the same thing...but if i was at my house i wouldnt be going to bed until 1am-2am anways

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Hmmm, there's some assuming going on here. OP didn't say he was going to school. And from my experience, I have to work close to full-time while attending school, I don't have a choice, and second shift jobs are actually better for that - I can go to classes during the morning and early daytime hours that way, that's when they are scheduled.

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^^ i wish i had that choice lol..i had to go to work then go to school at night...i think it was harder that way IMO


Unfortunately, my smallish school doesn't offer night classes for my major! I worked a second shift job for a couple years, then moved to a daytime job that worked around my school hours and I would stay at work into the evening hours some days to make up for it. Now I'm not working there anymore, it will be interesting to see which I'll be doing this next semester, because it's highly unlikely any other daytime job is going to do that for me again. Looking back, it was easier to just work the 2nd shift at a set time LOL.

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Congrats on getting a job. I used to work 3-11 at a Dairy Queen and I found I didn't have much of a social life on work days, since it was really too late to do much else after I got out of work and got cleaned up etc. (I really was covered in ice cream and stunk from the physical work like cleaning). I think you'll have to try to fit going out in on your days off.

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