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Am I over-reacting a bit? (Venting...)

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Okay, It seems I'm at a wild point of frustration or it seems.

Quick sum up, I posted previously about a girl that I was basically eye balling and I asked my buddies for help, well I started panicking a little and such because well its what I do.

But it seemed like I had a remote appealingness to her because she now knows a few things about me such as I don't smoke, and I'm a photography yada yada, shes an artist and is against smoking and of course theres other things.


So, my other friend who claimed he was going to help out finally decided to put in some words, instead he texts me and says "Hey so I gave her my number and your number"

I'm not worried about him because hes got a girlfriend already, but the sheer jump made my heart race. Then on top of that, he decided to bring up the contest I'm entering and how I need a model, we scrapped that plan because it seemed to awkward to be the first thing that happens is "oh hey can I take pictures of you for a contest and then not be completely awkward about everything afterwards"

My heart raced even more, calmed down a little though when she agreed to it so he started asking me details like where its happening and such. I responded to him saying "Well it needs to be at my house in my garage because thats where my studio is set up." Theres so many pieces to it that I would have to take apart and dismantle just to move to another location for an hour. Totally a waste of effort in my eyes.


His response: "Oh well I dont know if that will work then, well maybe it will or maybe it wont."

I ask ONE thing out of him ONE friken thing.

It completely bombarded things so much, its stressing me out. And I'm not even sure whats going to happen now, I'll be honest though I wanted to talk to her a little bit beforehand so me and her could be comfortable with each other and then just see if she'd do it without feeling awkward so it could be me and her to just...talk.

That was the plan and he just...throws so much stuff right in my face like that.

And even more I'm stressing out about how shes got my number, I don't expect her to really text me but there was a plan for her to get my number and it just would've been so much smoother. And I'm just so mad, all this effort to just smoothly get us closer step by step, then went to a friken long jump.

I worked up the courage to talk to her, today though brief, I did it and I was so proud of myself and told my other friend that I talked to her I broke the ice and we were making slow but sure progress and this guy comes up and basically says "Oh hey heres Johns number and mine, oh hey can he take pictures of you?"

Okay, I just...feel like that work just I don't know possibly went down the drain. After we were being so careful with it.

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