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"I'm in college and want to be dating other people.&quo

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Here's an update to my previous posts. If you're interested in reading about the whole thing just look for "Getting back together with my ex" by caliboy. In short, she broke up with me after some problems in our relationship, since then I've told her I made mistakes, I'm sorry and basically have been real upfront an honest about why I made mistakes I did.


She called me today, and it was a good conversation, although she still tells me that she's in college and wants to be dating other people, and we'd talk again this weekend. But if someone truly loved you wouldn't they want to be with the person they truly love and not need to date? What's the need to date other people for? Anyone ever been through this or does anyone understand what she's doing? I understand I made some mistakes in our relationship and I could understand her needing time to hear me out about it and think about if she wants to be with me after the fact, but I kinda feel like I'm on the back burner. I want a girl who's loyal. Am I not taking the fact that she was hurt in the relationship into consideration, or should she not need to date other guys cause she's in college if she truly loves me? Any feedback?

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It sounds to me like she doesnt want to date other people, but she wants you to think she is, so she can see your true feelings for her, either this ir she is doing it to get back at you for the mistakes you made in your relationship, or infact she may just want to move on in life.


But i dont agree with her saying "Im in college and i want to date other guys", because that is a pathetic excuse, i am in college, and i have just brok up with my girlfriend, doesnt mean i want to go and date other girls just because i am in college. it sounds like a friends problem, does she have any friends at college? and are they single or are they dating different people all the time? because she may think she is missing out on something and want to do what her friends are doing, and her friends may be saying "you dont want to be in a long term relationship, you want to have fun and meet lots of new guys", this happened to a friend of mine at my college, and he called her and asked to talk to her alone, and they met up and talked about their problems and about their relaionship, and he said to her "Whats more important, your friends who will more than likely leave you when you leave college or me, who will be there for you all through college and all through your life if you let me" and they talked some more, and now they are together and very happy, infact the problem they had and the conversation they had braught them closer together!.


I hope this helps and good luck! i'll keep my fingers crossed for you, and you keep them crossed for me! deal?

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I agree with you on this situation. If you have both found true love, neither of you would need to date other people, whether it is college or not. I am a very firm believer in the "you just know" principle, and I don't care if you date no one else or 500 other people; if it's meant to be, it's definitely meant to be.


I have a lot of friends in college that don't even date for dating's sake. In fact, many that do aren't even looking at these dates as relationship potential, and many of them are completely unhappy with the whole dating scene, itself. It gets very old.


If she plans on dating other guys just to see what else is out there, or even just to make sure you're truly the one, she may lose you in the process, and that would be a shame.


Just remember, bro, it'd be her loss! Hang in there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm in the exact same situation here... my boyfriend of a year left me 2 weeks ago because he said he's still young and wants to have complete freedom to meet more people... trouble is he's telling me how he still really loves me and misses me and that it will never change but he can't stay with me because that would go against his "i'm young and i need to see other things" speech... but i'm also at a loss to understand why if you love someone you'd need to go see elsewhere... he was the only boyfriend i ever had and i never felt like i was missing anything by not looking around... i dont really know what to think because i know that he hasn't met any new girls and he told me he's not really looking for anyone in particular... i wish there was a way to make him understand that the grass ain't greener on the other side

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